Nip/Tuck reboot?

So I read a few months back that Ryan Murphy was considering rebooting the show, but with female leads. Honestly, I think it's a great idea! Dark tv shows are so popular now, and it would be no problem for Murphy to try again with this show (no secret it turned pretty bad eventually.) I would love to see a super dark/sexy/black thriller/dramedy like the original one, but up the darkness and twisted even more and keep it a scary thriller (I mean S2 Carver and everything Ava anyone?) With strong female leads pretty much owning the TV universe these days I think it could be amazing, IF Murphy learns from his mistakes. I mean Scream Queens doesn't even compare in terms of quality, and AHS is I guess better, but not like Nip/Tuck. There is NO show like nip/tuck, and it deserves to get rebooted.


I'm inclined to agree.

Murphy needs to go back to something like Nip/Tuck (come on, it's something that should be easy given plastic surgery has only increased since the show ended).

Also, they ended the show with a lot of "where are they" moments.

The two most notable are: The Carver, Ava and Eden, all seemingly got away free (and The Carver was a hideous villain that really scared a lot of people on a show that wasn't meant to be like that lol).

I agree, bring the show back, make it about different characters (but still in the same Universe so that possible character crossovers can happen, perhaps even finally deal with The Carver), maybe one female lead, one male lead (but don't do the obvious and pair them up with each other) - I would LOVE for this show to be rebooted, I've not been a big fan of AHS this season, at all....

I dunno, I just have been thinking of Nip/Tuck a lot lately and my god it was a great show (which I think peaked around S3, but still, even then, was great all around).

Note: I use the term "The Carver" to describe "2" people and avoid mentioning their names just in case spoiling it for someone, as I believe the persona is 2 people, not 1 (the male is the obvious choice, but the female had some very key roles in that as well).
"Make the instant eternal! TIME STOP!"


Yes I agree with everything!! Very cool with a crossover universe where some of the original character can return, and it was pretty annoying how The Carver and Eden went away scot free from what they did and Ava's and Matt's future is very blurry and open ended. I would just like at least one of the leads to be female, BUT I would not like male and female, cause that will be a copy of so many other shows, and it will only end up with the two leads getting together, breaking up blablabla


I want it to come back, BUT with Sean and Christian as the leads so the story can continue, not under any circumstances with two new female leads (Shawna and Christina?), that would be so lame and a complete waste. I want to tie up the loose ends like what happened with Eden and Julia, a mini-series to bring it all to a proper close would be great.


No way. The series ended pretty neatly. There's nothing more to tell, about this story. If you want your fix, just rewatch the DVDs.


I'd prefer a revival than a reboot.
