Bring this show back

Seriously, they should. I think Adult Swim should buy the rights to air this series, and if the first season does well, AS could commission new episodes to air on the "network" as well.



Wish they would, I loved this show.


It's on TELETOON here in Canada.


Yes and it's okay but it's weak compared to the other Detour shows.
Life's a Zoo and Robot Chicken are awesome, Tripping the Rift is pretty funny too even though the humour is.... shall I say juvenile?


It was not all it was cracked up to be and the viewing public lost interest.

Its that man again!!


I wish they would make more seasons and episodes, too! Everyone, PLEASE make petitions to DreamWorks and Jeffrey Katzenberg convincing him to bring back this show and make more all-new seasons and episodes right now!


Totally agree.

I watched the whole series a couple weeks ago and it's awesome! My favorite characters were Siegfried and Roy, they were completely hilarious...especially Roy, who was really cute...anyway, great show.


I think it was one of the funniest shows I've ever seen, but I don't want it "brought back".

It's gone, and it's been too many years. They likely won't get the voice talent, or the same writing team.

At best, you'll get a Futurama-type scenario.


True, I wouldn't want them making new episodes if they were going to be noticeably crappier. Maybe just put it back on TV...;) That'd be nice.

I like you, Um. I like largeness...


Well, can you just send a petition to Jeffrey Katzenberg and DreamWorks, telling them to try and make new full seasons and episodes this time? And also get a replacement voice actor for Hunter since Daryl Sabara is in his 20s now?


I suppose names could be collected and sent in, although I strongly doubt that it would have any effect at this point. :( I just couldn't see a show like this being picked up again...and none of the "please un-cancel this and make new episodes" petitions I've ever signed or made have ever even generated a response. D: It is too bad that this didn't last long.


Well can you just try and somehow contact them? We need this show back. It was so funny and great, despite all the sometimes dirty adult jokes.
