That was too harsh

When he was talking to his sister at the end she acted like a bitch by shoving his arm off her roughly thats not very nice in spite of what hes done in the past


according to the director, it was meant to be realistic but hopeful ending. She is still very angry and refused to speak to him, but atleast she agreed to meet him. IT was a step


Umm...he offended against her when they were younger too. (yes, he minimized it--"I just smelled her hair"--but obviously something inappropriate happened) So, she probably has all these conflicting feelings: guilt, shame, pleasure, confusion, anger, about her own childhood experiences with him...add to that the fact that he molested OTHER girls as an adult, which probably makes her even more angry, humiliated, confused...and then he's been hanging out with her husband after getting out of prison so she's probably feeling like her husband chose him over her instead of supporting her until she's ready to deal with her brother directly. Personally I feel like that with all those issues for the sister to deal with, it's actually tremendously generous that she talked to him at all, ever. Even if it didn't go very well the first time.
