Funniest movie ever?

I can't recall laughing as much at any comedy as I did with Max Magician and the Legend of the Rings. There are countless unintentionally hilarious scenes--too awful to describe in words. A film worth viewing just for the laughs.


It's definately funnier than Mystery Science Theater 3000.


I think this is the worst movie I've ever seen. That's at least what I tell people.


It was pretty funny. Certainly worth the 5 bucks we all shelled out at the Wal Mart movie least that's where I got my copy. My favorite scene is the "epic" battle when evil king Dagda summons his massive army of about 8 soldiers.


no, the best scene is when the black guy shows max his "magic exploding attack"


Oh yeah, my dad bought it from the Wal-Mart movie bin but i think it was on sale...anyway. Who does magic tricks in school and doesn't expect to get picked on. I loved the whole renaissance fair set. Why was the epic army of 8 under leaves, and when it is spring and winter do they just sit there on the ground.


LOL!! Perhaps when it's winter they hide under the snow and in the spring under the flowers and dewey grass.


this is one of a handful (less than 5!) of movies
that goes in my favorites list.
my favorite part is when the princess calls max a fool.
"a fool? i am not!"
also, worm's pitiful nature and ultimate rejection
