MovieChat Forums > King Kong (2005) Discussion > Naomi Watts didn't close her mouth once

Naomi Watts didn't close her mouth once

Not once.


your right.


Lol, I did notice that she was flashing her tonsils throughout.

Deckard B26354, I'm filed and monitored


Naomi Watts was not the problem with this film.


But, IMHO, she didn't do it any favors either.


An incredibly good actor may be able to overcome a bad script, a bad director, or bad editing, but no actor can overcome all three!

I don't blame her. Or rather, she's pretty far down the list of people to blame.


She was nowhere near the liability Jack Black was I'll give her that.


She's usually so good, that I'm willing to give her the benefit of a doubt.

Can't say the same for Black.


She's done exceptional work ("Mulholland Drive" wouldn't be remotely the same without her).


Actually, she was a problem. The problem wasn't her acting but that she couldn't pull off vulnerability.


Would you put her in the film's top five problems?

Because face it, this was a terrible film, with a terrible cliche'd script and a director who just wanted to keep throwing in more monsters, and all the other leading performances were worse than hers. I mean, I'd actually call "Skull Island" a better film, it was THAT bad!

Like I said above, I'd put Watts pretty far down the list of people to blame.


I'd rate the Ann/Kong dynamic as one of the top five problems. Fay Wray and Jessica Lange both pulled off vulnerability, especially Wray, and the movie doesn't work without that. Whether you're willing to blame Watts or not, her portrayal of Ann was a big problem.


Okay, it's been a while since I've seen the film and I've tried to block it from my memory, but... I don't necessarily think the lack of vulnerability was Watts's fault. Her Ann was written as a tough cookie, an actress and acrobat, who acted very brave when she was in Kong's clutches, instead of screaming like Fay Wray. That would be the fault of the screenwriter and the director more than the actor, the actors just try to make the best of whatever is on the pages they're given.

But saying that Ann needs to be vulnerable around Kong for the film to work is an interesting point, and one I hadn't seen before. I don't know that you're right, I'm inclined to think that it's possible to make a good Kong film where Ann is a tough cookie... but this was NOT a good Kong film. I'll just say that having Watts scream like Fay Wray wouldn't have improved it at all.


Ann Darrow is the quintessential damsel in distress. There is a dynamic between Kong and Ann that is supposed to be uncomfortable and that's what Jackson got wrong. The natives don't sacrifice men or old women, and Kong doesn't have a stable of virgins hanging around the waterfall, so Ann should be feeling very vulnerable.


I'm going to respectfully disagree, I think it's possible to have a different dynamic between Kong and his blonde than him just listening to her scream.

However, I think we can agree that Jackson and Watts failed carry off their attempt at a new direction.


I didn't see a problem with Naomi Watts in this. She was more convincing than Brie Larson and her funny facial expressions in the newer one.

As the other poster said, there were far bigger problems with this movie.


I liked this movie except for the parts on the boat. Usually fast forward through that part when watching it.


I kept sizing it up, thinking about how part of me would fit in there.
