MovieChat Forums > King Kong (2005) Discussion > A brilliant remake of a classic that is ...

A brilliant remake of a classic that is now a classic in it's own right.

I absolutely love this movie. I know a lot of people find it too long and the first hour unnecessary but I think it's a great mini-movie in itself and sets the scene for the next two hours. One of my favourite scenes is the T-Rex fight, I find it so tense and exciting and the bit when the last Rex is about to pounce on Ann then Kong jumps down behind her, the look on her face is a gem, as if to say to the Rex "go on then, give it your best shot now". Just brilliant!! This movie has it all, action, comedy, horror, romance (in a weird way I must admit), I just never tire of watching it, especially the whole extended version. It is definitely up there as one of my all time favourite movies. I always get a slight tear at the end too!


I absolutely hate this pitiful excuse of a "remake". It's just an all around dreadfully boring piece of crap with some of the worst CGI I've ever seen in a movie (for it's budget). There is literally not a single frame I enjoy. I would consider this garbage a farce and a disaster from beginning to end, and an embarrassment to the "Kong" name.

But hey, if you liked it, cool.


poor you!


I come down in between you and the other person who responded. I think this is a very good movie and a valiant attempt to remake one of the greatest movies of all time. I especially think that the battle on the Empire State building is SPECTACULAR.

But I have some real issues with the decisions they made in the movie. Some examples;

1. The theme is supposed to be beauty and the beast not beauty and the sensitive playwrite.

2. The T-rex fight was over the top. The 1st movie was perfect when Kong had an exciting fight with 1 T-rex. Fighting 3 at once while holding Ann in one hand is just too much imo.

3. The whole playing on the ice fiasco. WTH? Do the makers of this movie think that wild animals will act like puppy dogs if you are just nice to them?

4. Was it really better to have Jack Black throw a glass bottle of chloroform and have it break on Kong's nose rather than using an actual gas grenade like in the original?

I could go on and on. I just think that the vast majority of changes to the story from the original were NOT improvements at all.



Most of the problems fall into one of two categories; excessiveness (stampede, dinosaur fight) or heavy-handed emotional scenes. I always hated the ice scene. C'mon! He just killed a bunch of people and you break for Kong on Ice!?

I wasn't terribly impressed with the CGI, either.


I completely agree with your comments about excessiveness and heavy-handed emotion.

As for the cgi, I'm pretty easy to please. As long it is not Sharknado level cgi, I'm ok with it.



"I absolutely hate this pitiful excuse of a "remake". It's just an all around dreadfully boring piece of crap with some of the worst CGI I've ever seen in a movie (for it's budget). There is literally not a single frame I enjoy. I would consider this garbage a farce and a disaster from beginning to end, and an embarrassment to the "Kong" name."

Come on, it was faaaar from a disaster, especially in comparison to other remakes. Effects wise, they're good, though there may be one or two shots that don't look properly rendered.

"1. The theme is supposed to be beauty and the beast not beauty and the sensitive playwrite."

The theme of beauty and the beast was still there, though, with Jack Driscoll himself being a partial reflection of that. I mean, think about it - when we saw him for the first time, he's the last guy we'd think of as a "tough guy", let alone as a "hero". It's not until when they arrive at the island that we start to see an interesting blending that occurs between Kong and Jack through Anne, with the former, while still highly dangerous and savage, showing more in the way of vulnerability, and the latter becoming much bolder and heroic than the character he originally was, even to the point of going against authority in later scenes in New York.


Just watched it again. Fantastic, it always blows me away. 'Skull Island' has got a lot to live up to. Sheer bloody perfection!!


This movie is a bloated mess.

Trophy Case Mr_French_Predator


"This movie is a bloated mess."

I wish more Hollywood blockbusters could be nearly this "messy."

This remains the best film made since that date imo. I slightly prefer it over the first two LOTR films.

Naomi Watts in this is my favorite leading actress performance ever and it's up there with Jackson's LOTR trilogy for one of the best genre-bending films ever.

+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++


Awesome remake! I love the film!


Awesome remake! I love the film!


It's better than the 70's version with Jeff Bridges.

"I write songs, you just never let us play any of them!"-Fluttershy


Pure Entertainment!


As a remake, this is a keeper. I know some concessions were made for the modern, gotta-have-lots-of-action-or-it-isn't-worth-a-damn part of the audience, but the film is truly in keeping with the original. The screenplay contains modifications, but it doesn't try to re-boot, re-imagine, re-invent, regurgitate or whatever it is that hipster directors pretend is edgy and new. It is very much an homage to the original. For that matter, if there hadn't been an original, this would still stand up as a wonderful bit of film making.


Here! Here!


this is the only remake I ever truly enjoyed and I watch it regularly.

It's stunning!


I loved this movie! It was action packed, I was on the edge of my seat all throughout!



This is probably the only remake I've seen in the 2000's that was actually a pretty good film.


After seeing it again years later, I was drawn into the film by Naomi Watts. She is great in this film from beginning to end. I needed to see her work her way through the story. Her empathy for the whole crazy situation is real. I connected with her the same way the writer had Kong connect with her. She made this a great film for me.


Totally Agree with the OP...

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That which does not kill us makes us stronger... Nietzsche (Conan The Barbarian Opening)
