MovieChat Forums > Interview (2003) Discussion > thoughts on the remake?

thoughts on the remake?

Just curious if anyone has any thoughts on the remake that is coming out this summer. If the original was so good, why didn't it ever get shown in the US with English subtitles? It seems more interesting to have the real Katya playing herself, I kind of want to see this one more than the new one.


just because it doesn't make its way to the USA, does not mean it wasn't good enough by any standards.


I know, I'm just wondering why this one didn't. Speculation only, my guess would be that whoever owns the rights to the story got a good bid for a remake and no one was jumping on distributing the original so, voila. But I'm not in the biz, so I still have no idea.


Maybe because Americans don't watch foreign movies, in general.


the US remake was fine, excellent acting, dialog and directing. I thought it was Steve Buscemi's own screenplay until I saw Theo van Gogh's name in the end credits. shame on me but I never heard of the 2003 original, but now I got curious about it, as I really haven't enjoyed "long movie dialogs" as this for a long time! I recently saw tarantino's "Death Proof". even the overhyped master himself bored me to death with his "trademark long dialogs", refreshing to see a nice script whoever wrote it, with great and intelligent acting by Buscemi, and a decently enjoyable Sienna Miller. First i must see the dutch version before i announce the first well-made US remake in history that reaches the standard of the original :)


Good question. I haven't seen the American version (yet), but I think this is another case of the American Remake Disease, with symptoms like 'Americans can't read subtitles'.

I am strongly against remakes no matter who makes them and for whatever reason. There are however signs that Busciemi's version is made with respect for van Goghs original which I think is great. The film Interview should however be dated 2003, made by Theo van Gogh and have Dutch speak - then it can be viewed without being spoiled. That goes for other foreign (read: non-English) films as well; Americans need in general to get used to that films can be good AND foreign.

That is the only way the American Remake Disease can be fought.

Top 5: Jaws, Shrek, Fucling Åmål. Add more if I find any top movies
