Hi-5 Fanfiction

Let's play a game. I'll begin a Hi-5 story and then you try and add more to the story when it progresses. Let's go.


"Hi, I'm Curtis."
"Hi, I'm Kimee"
"Hi, I'm Jenn"
"Hi, I'm Shaun"
"Hi, I'm Karla"
"And together, we're Hi-5."

One night, at Karla's place, Karla was writting out invitations to the High-5 gang. She wanted to invite the gang to a slumber party in honor of her birthday. Along with that, she also invited young kids to help celebrate her birthday by sleeping over with them.

The first invitation was sent to Jenn, who was busy talking to Chatz. When she showed Chatz her invitation, Chatz asked her best friend, "Can I come to the slumber party, too."

"Of course, you can," said Jenn, "There's plenty of room for everyone. Come with me." And she gave Chatz a kiss.

Next, Shaun got the invitation. He was busy trying to pack. He was singing this song,

"I'm packing for a party,
A party I will not forget,
Come along and have fun with me,
This is the best party yet."

As Shaun was packing, Curtis got his invitation. The guy was trying to pack sing-alongs for the party. He knew a party would not be a party without music and singing. So he put in some instruments and some songs.

Kimee got her invitation and read it. She wanted to know what to pack for her slumber party. Along came Jup-Jup, with a teddy bear. Kimee packed the teddy bear. Jup-Jup returned, this time with pajamas. Kimee packed the pajamas. Jup-Jup appeared one more time, this time with a sleeping bag. Kimee zipped up her duffel bag and went to the party.

Jup-Jup said to himself, "Jup-Jup wants to go to slumber party."


And, on a serious note, Hi-5 is nominated for an Emmy. Here's hoping it wins!!!



Meanwhile, Karla was baking cookies for her special guests. She later performed a special dance to get herself excited for the party.

Jenn and Chats rode to the party on Jenn's bike. With a duffel bag next to Chats, Jenn was humming the lullaby she once sang to herself and Chats while riding. Chats was saying hi to everything she passed.

Shaun was finished packing. Curtis picked him up and took him to the party. On the way, Shaun wanted to check if he had everything he needed for the party. He realized he forgot his pajamas.

"Don't worry, Shaun," assured Curtis, "I got two pairs of pajamas in case I can not decide which pajamas I want to wear. You can borrow one of mine."

"Thanks, Curtis," said Shaun to his pal.

As for Kimee, she was riding in her car to the party. On the way, she found Jup-Jup lying on the street. She knew her pet was not feeling well. So she picked up Jup-Jup and took him to the party. Jup-Jup was happy to go with Kimee.

Karla got everything ready when the doorbell rang.

To be continued by you.




Shaun and Curtis came next. Karla gave the guys a big Hi-5 adn welcomed them into her home.

Jenn and Chats offered the two guys some cookies. Shaun, remembering that he was on a diet, said, "No thanks, but I brought a chocolate cake for the birthday girl."

"That's right," said Curtis, "as a last-minute idea, we decided to buy Karla a big chocolate cake in her honor. Besides, I heard the cookies were poisonous."

Jenn looked at Chats with scorn, "Did you do that?"

Chats bowed her head, "I'm sorry I poisoned the cookies. Besides, I like the others as much as I like you."

"Let's never do it again," said Karla, "In the meantime, Karla is baking another batch of cookies. Try not to poison them."

"OK," said Chats. And she gave Jenn a kiss.

Meanwhile, Kimee was still driving to Karla's house. She threw Jup-Jup out because he was too annoying. Jup-Jup wanted revenge, so he gathered together a band of Standard Deviants (Herschel, Kenyatta, Andy, Shaun Powell, Lara, Ashley, Tessa, Tim, Chaz, and Gelila). He told the young hosts that he wanted to crash the party. The Standard Deviants agreed.




What does 'ooh lookit a life' mean? I thought this was supposed to be a Fanfiction that is rated G because I'm trying to tell it to younger kids. I don't know why we should kill Jup-Jup just because he is not part of the normal cast and why Chats is cursing cookies Karla baked. I like Hi-5. It's a good show and a great rock band. Let's keep it that way. In the meantime, let's go back to Hi-5 fanfiction. We see Kimee on her way to the party and Jup-Jup getting revenge, with the Standard Deviants in tow.

To Be Continued...By You!!!



This sounds a bit more R-rated with a girl removing her top, only to impress a friend. And what about Chats? And the Standard Deviants?

Well, let's make it more G-rated, here we go:

Karla apologizes to Jenn and puts her top back on. Thank goodness Shaun, Curtis, and all of the little boys present were yakking it up in the kitchen, drinking soda pop.

Chats told Karla, "Don't be discouraged, Karla. It's only a game."

"I guess I'm sorry, Chats," said Karla, "And I'm sorry for trying to impress Jenn in front of Kimee."

"And I'm sorry for offending you," said Jenn. Karla gave Jenn a hug.

Meanwhile, Jup-Jup and the Standard Deviants arrived at the party. They gave Kimee something she forgotten: a present from her to Karla. Shaun notices that the Standard Deviants were twice as smart as all five members of Hi-5 put together. Shaun asks the Deviants, "What shall we do to pass the time?"

"How about we play charades," suggested Lara and Andy together.

"Good idea," said the other Standard Deviants in unison.

To Be Continued...By You!!!






That does not sound like a good idea. Besides, this is a slumber party in honor of Karla's birthday. Here's a better way to say it:

The gang, and their young guests, did not want to play charades since they did not feel like it. Instead, they got ready for the party.

"OK, everyone," said Karla, "Let's get into our pajamas and start the pajamas."

"That's a good idea," said Shaun.

So, everyone went into two separate rooms, boys in one, girls in another. They got their pajamas on. Meanwhile, Chats and Jup-Jup said goodbye to their friends The Standard Deviants, for they had to do another educational and fun program on the German language on PBS.

Jup-Jup thought about stealing Karla's beautiful chocolate cake Shaun and Curtis bought and eating it all up. Just as Kimee came out, she said to Jup-Jup, "Are you thinking about eating that cake whole?"

Jup-Jup nodded his head.

"Shame on you," said Chats to her pal, "That cake is for all of us, including Karla, the birthday girl. Now, you will have to get the last piece."

"Jup-Jup sad," said Jup-Jup, "Jup-Jup wants a piece of cake." And he began to cry.

Meanwhile, after everyone was prepared in their pajamas and with their sleeping bags unpacked, Jenn asked the guests, "What shall we do first?"

"How about a sing-along," suggested Curtis, "I'll lead first."

The song he picked was "Captain Puffy Pants," his favorite. Shaun went next, since he was patient. He chose "Dragon Dance." Kimee picked "Belly Wobble." Karla picked "Rock Melon." Jenn wanted to go last since she wanted to sing her lullaby she sang to herself and Chats. The others pursuaded her to sing a song other than the lullaby. She chose "Pitter Patter."

After various songs were sung, Curtis asked the guests, "What should we do next?"

The others thought about it.

To Be Continued...By You!!!

P.S.: Let's make it G-rated and keep up with the story. I don't want to hear about the party being cancelled and the gang fighting and Karla ending up in the hospital. Hi-5 is supposed to be a team, not Jerry Springer for kids.



Shaun suggested, "How about a Sharing Story. I'll narrate."

Shaun sat down in Karla's comfy chair and told a story of three princesses who held a slumber party and received presents. Curtis portrayed a handsome prince who had but three gifts, one for each girl. The girls got their gifts, which was jewelry Curtis bought at a mall prior to the party. As Kimee got her gift, Jup-Jup stole the jewelry and put it on himself. He said, "Jup-Jup loves diamonds."

Kimee looked shocked, "Where did my jewelry go?"

Jup-Jup popped up and said, "Jup-Jup."

"I knew it all along," said Kimee, "Jup-Jup, what will I do with you?"

Jup-Jup walked away, looking sad. Jenn showed her jewelry to Chats. Chats said, "Wow, nice jewelry, Jenn. Can I try it on?"

"Sure," said Jenn, "Now you look like a princess, Princess Chats."

"LONG LIVE PRINCESS CHATS!!!," said Karla, Kimee, Shaun, Curtis, and the other young guests. Chats blushed.

The Standard Deviants returned, only this time, they left their cameras in Karla's house. They picked up their cameras and were on their merry way.

"That was a good story," said Karla.

"That was only the beginning," said Shaun, "How about some presents?"

"Good idea," said the others.



First, Jenn gave Karla her present. It was a red and yellow dress with a heart on it.

"Thank you, Jenn," said Karla, giving her a kiss, "I really love the dress."

"Not only that," added Jenn, "It's red and yellow, your favorite colors. And there's a heart on the dress. You love hearts."

"I do," said Karla.

"Can I give her my present next," asked Chats.

"Why not," said Jenn.

Chats' present to Karla was a crystal butterfly since she loved butterflies.

"Thank you, Chats," said Karla as she gave Chats a kiss on the cheek. Chats blushed.

"I made it myself," said Chats, "with a little help from Jenn, my best friend in the whole wide world."

"My present is extra special," said Shaun, "I made it myself, too."

Karla opened her present and it was a make-up kit. She thanked Shaun and gave him a hug.

"Wait'll you see MY present to you," said Curtis.

Karla opened the present. It was a tamborine Curtis wanted to sell, but did not have the time to.

"Thanks, Curtis," said the birthday girl as she gave him a hug, "now I can play the tamborine in the Hi-5 band."

Kimee gave her present next. In the box was Jup-Jup, popping up and giving Karla a hug.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KARLA," yelled out Jup-Jup. The others laughed.

"Thanks, Jup-Jup," said Karla. She later reached in the box and found a teddy bear. Karla thanked Kimee and gave her a hug.

"Oh, it was nothing," said Kimee.

After other kids gave Karla their gifts to her, it was time for some serious cake eating. After cake, everyone felt tired.

"I guess it's time to sleep," said Karla.

"I'll be the first to sing a lullaby," said Curtis, "for it's time for the Keeper of the Night Stars to make an appearance."

Curtis put on his Keeper of the Night Stars outfit and sang his famous song. The other four members joined in as Curtis sang encores. The kids felt almost sleepy as they got into their sleeping bags. Curtis and Shaun fell asleep, too.

"That was very good, Curtis," said Jenn, "but I think the kids are not asleep yet. I'll sing my lullaby so that they can really go to sleep."

"Can we join in," asked Kimee and Karla in unison.

"Sure," said Jenn, "It'll take three grown girls to put a lot of little kids to sleep."

Then, holding hands, the three girls sang,

"Night time, sleep time, say good night time,
Goodnight stars shimmering bright,
Goodnight moon silvery bright,
Cuddle up with your blanket,
Cuddle up really tight,
Close your eyes and dream,
Dream till the morning light."

During the song, all of the young guests fell asleep. Even Chats closed her eyes and fell asleep in her box. The only one awake was Jup-Jup, who was in the kitchen, trying to avoid the song. He was watching the Standard Deviants' new show on PBS.


In the meantime, Hi-5 did NOT win an Emmy for best preschool show, but we still want to congratulate them for being nominated, anyway.


After a few episodes of the Standard Deviants, Jup-Jup fell asleep. The next morning, everyone got up and had breakfast. Then, the young guests had to leave to return to their parents and/or guardians.

Karla told her friends that it was time to clean up. Shaun was busy doing the dishes. Curtis vaccumed the rugs. Kimee took out the trash. Jenn and Chats put away the toys. Karla did the rest.

Then, it was time for Hi-5 to go home. Kimee and Jup-Jup left first since Kimee's grandmother invited her for lunch. Shaun left next since he had a dentist's appointment. Curtis had to go shopping for a dinner to prepare. Jenn and Chats left, since Tom Korbee was coming over to spend some time with his girlfriend.

"This was a terrific party," thought Karla, "I wished it would never end. Shaun's birthday is coming up next. I hope he has a party like that, too."

That night, Kimee told her parents and grandmother about Karla's party. They were happy to see Kimee take part in a social event. Shaun, returning from the dentist, played some basketball in his garage. As he played, he thought of the most wonderful time he had at the slumber party. Curtis was busy playing the piano. He wrote a song about the slumber party for all to hear. At Jenn's house, Jenn was telling Tom about the good times she had at the slumber party. Chats and Jup-Jup were fast asleep because they stayed awake during most of the party. And what about the Standard Deviants? They were still recording education shows for teenagers and college students. In short, everyone lived happily ever after.


Well, I hope you enjoyed the story. I also hope you can think up a good Hi-5 fanfiction. See you next time.


HEy I WANTED TO CONTINUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Well here is my ending jupjup woke up found a machene gun and killed evry one
