Dieter Prohl

Dieter Prohl - Paul Bettany's best friend in a movie. Was he gay?


But he was German, which I think is a really, really, really great message to be sending out in 2004: the war is over, it's done. Water under the bridge. A bold one, too.

It might've been nice for Paul to have had a Turkish friend too, since the Anglo-Turkish War of 1807-1809 finished almost 200 years ago, but I fear any attempt to portray a Turk as an amiable human being, like the lovely Dieter, would've been laughed out of the theatres, and perhaps rightfully so.


Boy, are you reading too much into that.

Not all Brits walk around talking about the war And can I just say the anglo turkish war doesn't even register with most brits - if you told them we'd fought a war with turkey most people's reaction would be "really? when? who won?"

We've fought wars with pretty much - everyone on the planet- at one time or other.

Natural affection is stronger than soup and offspring more precious than carbuncle


Not all Brits walk around talking about the war
And can I just say the anglo turkish war doesn't even register with most brits - if you told them we'd fought a war with turkey most people's reaction would be "really? when? who won?"
Excuse me? I think you'll find that if you were to "inform" the average Brit that we were at war with the Turks in the early 19th century, they would say:

"Ah yes, the Anglo-Turkish War of 1807-1809 took place as a part of Napoleonic Wars, don't you know.

In the summer of 1806, during the war with the Third Coalition (Britain, Russia, Prussia, Sweden), Napoleon's ambassador General Count Sebastiani managed to convince the Porte to cancel all special privileges granted to Russia in 1805 and to open the Turkish straits exclusively to French warships. In return, Napoleon promised to help the Sultan suppress a rebellion in Serbia and to recover lost Ottoman territories. When the Russian army marched into Moldavia and Wallachia in 1806, the Ottomans declared war on Russia.

During the Dardanelles Operation in September 1806, Britain pressured Sultan Selim III to expel Sebastiani, declare war on France, cede the Danubian Principalities to Russia, and surrender the Ottoman fleet, together with the forts on the Dardanelles, to British fleet. After Selim's rejection of the ultimatum, a British squadron, commanded by Vice-admiral Sir John Thomas Duckworth (who we refer endearingly to as "Old Ducky Interminable"), entered the Dardanelles on February 19, 1807 and destroyed an Ottoman naval force in the Sea of Marmara, and anchored opposite Istanbul. But the Turks erected powerful batteries and strengthen their fortifications with the help of General Sebastiani and French engineers, and this was typical of the bastards.. The British warships were cannonaded and Duckworth was forced to sail back to the Mediterranean on March 3, 1807.

On March 16, 1807, 5000 British troops invaded and occupied Alexandria in Egypt, but local ruler Mohammed Ali defeated them heavily and forced to evacuate. However, Turkey had a little military support from France in the heavy war with Russia. Napoleon failed to secure Russia's compliance with the armistice agreement of 1807. Therefore, on January 5, 1809, the Ottoman government concluded the Treaty of the Dardanelles with Britain (being now in war with both France and Russia)."


Wow cheers for that history lesson.Though I do detect a wee hint of sarcasm in your posts - forgive me if that's wrong, but it makes for a funny conversation - all good fun!

Seeing as we Brits have thousands of years of history most will find that history lessons at school don't cover everything. I never studied the Napoleonic wars. Apart from out of interest as an adult.

If you were in an accident I wouldn't stop for red lights


I'll come clean. I was just trying to impress you with my copy-and-paste-from-Wikipedia-abilities.

What can I say? I loved you in Catwoman!


...the war is over...

it is?!

Who ever told you to be yourself could not have given you worse advice.


OG does not think so. I still cannot pry her out of her bunker.

If you think Custard is Evil and are 100% sure of it copy this and make your signature!


why would you want to? if she comes out she'll be spending time with us! *shudders*

Who ever told you to be yourself could not have given you worse advice.


Because I want to get the rations she has stored in her bunker. Since we ate all of them last time, she has increased security until I can no longer sneak in.

If you think Custard is Evil and are 100% sure of it copy this and make your signature!


is it secured with a lock? cause I can get you in then....

Who ever told you to be yourself could not have given you worse advice.


It's rigged with several grenade holding traps.

If you think Custard is Evil and are 100% sure of it copy this and make your signature!


hmm....we should send someone to check it out, if they dont die then we'll know it's not who should we send? I say Clabar

Who ever told you to be yourself could not have given you worse advice.


Too easily bribed. Let's send Sean.

If you think Custard is Evil and are 100% sure of it copy this and make your signature!


ok, but we should tell him he's going to candy mountain just like Charlie!

Who ever told you to be yourself could not have given you worse advice.


Okay! Now to hunt him down...

If you think Custard is Evil and are 100% sure of it copy this and make your signature!


well done

Who ever told you to be yourself could not have given you worse advice.


... and Halle Berry! This thread has it all!


Halle Berry? where?!

Who ever told you to be yourself could not have given you worse advice.


I think he/she means me

If you were in an accident I wouldn't stop for red lights


oh *facepalm*

Who ever told you to be yourself could not have given you worse advice.



uh, sure....

I busted a mirror and got seven years bad luck, but my lawyer thinks he can get me five.




Nikolaj is deffinatly NOT German... he is a Dane.. You know. a guy from Denmark. the reasen i know that, is because i'm also danish, and i have met him a lot of times in the capital, which is called Copenhagen. So No He Is Not German, But Danish.


The character, fruitcake. The character. He's a German, you know, a guy from Germany. The reason I know that is that, though I regret it now, I watched the movie, which is called Wimbledon. And the name Dieter Prohl seems like kind of a giveaway, plus it's referenced:

So No He Is Not Danish, But German.

Busy busy busy.


i am so sorry.. i thaught it was Nicolaj they ment... *Imberressed*


I don't think he was gay, when Peter was swamped by those fans after knocking Cavendish out, there was a shot of him checking out this girl who walked past. It was probably put in to stop discussions like this, cos I thought he was gey up until that point too.

Yorkshire is a place. Yorkshire is a state of mind- The Mighty Boosh


Absolutely gorgeous. Oh my god he is really quite scrummy.


i don't think you ever got a clear response to your question, since your thread took a weird detour.

when lizzie asks peter about dieter, prior their match, he responds that he likes "boys in tight leather shorts". i presume that would mean that yes, dieter was gay.


@delldell56: Take another look at the movie: before Peter starts target-practising with the cans, Dieter tells him that he is going to date a rich Irish girl.
The "lederhosen" reference is rather a playful allusion to a typical German stereotype-which includes, among others, sausages, beer, dirndl and of course lederhosen...


Maybe not?

I also thought about it (especially in conjugation with that steam room scene, but that might just be my own dirty mind going off a bit ..). I thought he was secretly gay and had a crush on his friend. Several times, he just seems so into Peter while emphasizing "my friend" as if to tell himself that that really is all there is. I wouldn't have been surprised if the movie had gone there. It would have been cliched but it was really set up for it, what with comments on the two of them "being married" and all - oh the irony etcetera.

Since the movie didn't go there, I believe he was just a close friend without sub-text.


Another example that women and men are not so different after all: put two attractive half-naked people of the same gender into a steam room, and voila, some viewers come up with homoerotic fantasies...;) Never heard of the term "bromance"?;)
