MovieChat Forums > Wimbledon (2004) Discussion > Pretty Good Chick Flick

Pretty Good Chick Flick

My girlfriend is on the school tennis team, and is about as obsessed with tennis as I am with baseball. So of course, I had to watch this movie with her. I was expecting a typical, boring, mushy chick flick . . . but I was surprised. I actually liked it. Maybe being with her helped it out, but it was very enjoyable and entertaining. The next movie we're gonna watch is Major League, the best sports movie ever made.


this aint no chik flick, even tho it's a romantic comedy.


yeah it isn't remotely a chick flick. my fella loved it. and he likes bruce lee films. lol

and how many girlie girls like tennis ffs? certainly not me.
so this ain't a stereotypical chick flick.


I agree with the OP. I liked it but it is a chick flick IMO.
In my experience more women like tennis than men for a start. It has all the romantic clich'e that go hand in hand with "chick flicks".
I'm not saying men cant enjoy it. I mean anything sporty will appeal to men, and it's a nice enough story.
Personally I thought it was ok. But as with all these type films it's predictable. I mean was anybody actually on the edge of their seat during any of the action?
And was their any possibility that he wouldn't end up with the girl?
Nothing to get excited about.

4/10 Not that bad, but certainly not that good.

"I didn't get where I am today without knowing where to write my signature Reggi......"


I disagree and add a 4 to your rating to give it it's proper score 8/10!

Ain't a chick flick and if you've ever actually BEEN to wimbledon then you will see that in the crowds there's always far more men then women spectators. It's the same for all the slams.

Only at Queens and Eastbourne and sometimes Nottingham Challenge Events are there more women and that's cos it's in OAP havens and OAP women like to watch tennis more than OAP men! Proven fact that - just look at audience profiles.

This film rocks and is easily the best sports film since the funny Mike Bassett: England Manager!


That would explain why there are about 7 threads about 'who made Kirsten's dress' and 'what kind of watch was Kirsten wearing'... talk about living up to a stereotype, girls...
