Banned in Poland????

What the Hell?!?!?! The Simpsons too!!!


LOL good question. My cousin lives in Poland and he loves The Simpsons and he liked this movie! Thank god for downloading!


Maybe Poland has something against Jon Favreau! J/K @:>) Seriously, that is just nuts! I mean of all the movies to be banned I can't see what is so offensive about it. If anybody knows the story behind this I'd love to hear it!


Okay whoever is in charge in Poland must be playing a joke!Family Guy is also on the banned list along with The Mighty Ducks and a video collection by Enya.


Okay, I can understand "The Simpsons" being banned, as Poland was, IIRC, still communist at the time. However, the rest of the films on that list (with the exception of Nausicaa - because there's information in the trivia section about that), however, most of the rest of those films on the list are rather suprising, and any insight which people might offer would be great.


Wimbledon - or as they say in Poland, "wim bledon" is actually Polish for paedophile - and hence the authorities didn't want posters up and cinemas showing the movie all across the country.

Don't know about the Simpsons though....


Why didnt they just change the name when it was released then?



Yes, I was joking - I was just wondering how many people would fall for it... It kinda sounded believable...


im polish and i lived there in 1992 and simpsons was shown on free to air tv every week at like 7:30 on a thursday. i also remember hiring home alone.

that information is not correct and someone should emaim imdb and tell them.

"how about... a royal flush!" *loren avedon kicks a cauldron of boiling water into the bad guys*



"whoever is in charge in Poland must be playing a joke"

That would be the Catholics.

nice little pussy...


Yah a few country in which Catholic morons still have influence.


Unfortunately there's quite a few of them. Just think: Poland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Germany, all of South America... Doesn't look very good, does it?

nice little pussy...


You forgot the Philippines.


America is Masonic, noob. Plus they've only ever had 1 Catholic president.


People, this is *beep* where did you get it from??!!! Wimbledon has never been banned over here! Neither was The Simpsons, in fact it was a hugely popular show, for a few years, granted tv prime time. And Wimbledon was just never extremely successfull, that's it. It's now wide available on DVD, easier even than in some other countries. I honestly don't remember any movies beeing officially banned in Poland since The Priest was removed from cinemas and released on DVD/VHS only, but that was a distributor's decision (giving in to Catholic Church's objections, indeed), not authorities'.


To tell you the truth, I'm from Poland and I've just seen it on dvd, so emmmm, no, it's not banned(????) here! And my friend watched it on her first cinema date with boyfriend like 2 years ago, so.... ;) and Simpsons? Geez, I watched it as a child on tv:) btw-pedofil's (pedophile) and Wimbledon pronunciation have NOTHING in common in Polish, really. That idea made me just laugh ;D


Maybe IMDB have a rogue admin who hates poland, and is hatching an evil plan to discourage all us movie goers from going there by telling us that theres no films there.

Maybe he's German too?

‘If lil red ridin hood shows up with a bazooka and a bad attitude, I expect you to chin the bitch.’


Why would anyone want to go to Poland anyway? I don't think anyone can do any harm to Poland's image...

nice little pussy...Bruxelles


I wouldn't mind going to Warsaw but that's about it. I may consider stopping there a couple of nights on my way to Russia (I have a hankering to see St Petersburg).
Bloody Catholics.
Just thought I'd throw that in.

Elizabeth! Hide the rum.


Okay, got to admit that I'd like to see the concentration camps, especially Auscwich. But hey, I don't have to stay in Poland to do that, I can stay in Berlin and make a little day trip there! No need ever to go to Poland! :)

nice little pussy...


Well yeah, I'd like to see Auschwitz. I look on it something you have to do, you know? To try and understand what happened.

Elizabeth! Hide the rum.


Why would anyone want to go to Poland anyway?

That is really not a good think to say with so many Poles on this board, and even though I don't live in Poland, I am more than 50% Polish and I was offended. Not a nice thing to say.

Soulmate found; none need apply.


This reminds me of the story of the Polish hockey team. They drowned during spring training.

I think polacks are just worried about sports movies.
