Paul Bettany

Does anybody else think he's a hottie?????
Because I sure do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3




He's more than just hot, he's also british so that's even better :P

Make a move and the bunny gets it


He sure is! If you haven't seen him in anything else what are you waiting for?? Rent A Knight's Tale – he's beautiful, witty, and often naked. It's heaven. (It's a very sweet and enjoyable flick too, BTW)


i do hes so hott!


He's the hottest guy I've seen in a long time.
I think what makes him irresistable is not only the great looks but also this mixture with the British accent and the sweet British manners.
I wish I could find myself such a hottie :)

Everyone can't be straight. Everyone can't be beautiful. Everyone can't be the same.


yup hes a hottie



i love him!
knights tale oh my gawd!
and wimbledon hes yum!
and so talented... da vinci code and master and comander were difficult roles


Ever since I saw him brilliantly portraying Geoffrey Chaucer in A Knight's Tale five years ago, I have been overwhelmed with a slight obsessiveness of the awesome man that is Paul Bettany. He is a truly amazing person... and he's really incredibly handsome, which doesn't hurt one bit. :D
This guy is utterly fantastic.

You may feel like a poet, but you sound like an idiot.


He's not a gorgeous man like many other actors ( Johnny Depp, Brad Pit, Ashton Kutcher, ...etc) but definitely he's the most desirable man ever....he's the human male representation of lust, his features are sexy in a very unusual way and that makes him unique and hotter than any other gorgeous actor....when he portrays nude, it is a gift from heaven to all girls in the world....=)

Her death will be a mystery even to me


he's the human male representation of lust, his features are sexy in a very unusual way and that makes him unique and hotter than any other gorgeous actor....when he portrays nude, it is a gift from heaven to all girls in the world....=)
Great lines saya I couldn't have put it better - male representation of lust
The universe has no centre and no edges. Reality is arbitrary.


Paul Bettany is amazing! He is so natural and real, not just glam-perfect, but realistic perfect! And he is an mavelous actor! I've seen him in Wimbledon as Peter Colt, and in A Knights Tale, and as the doctor in Master and Commander. Why have'nt anybody mention that movie here? He is almoust the star in the movie! But he is a lot more handsome in Wimbledon, cause his is not pretty with black hair. And of course in The DaVinci-code! He is quite handsome there too, but he's the bad boy, there. But in the scene in the flight he got that sweet look in his eyes.


only one word: HOT!!!!!!


He is beautiful. Attractive and charming. And he is a great actor. He has been in a lot of mediocre movies, and good ones, but he always shines in them. He is often the best thing in a movie.
