
this movie is raceist because it ,akes fun of english people


Absolute rubbish. I am English and if anything it made fun of BRITISH people It was directed by a Brit.

It was about WIMBLEDON for crying out loud - so everything was going to revolve around Britain and it is a COMEDY so there was going to be fun made of people.

Kill Bill isn't racist (note spelling) against people called Bill.

If you don't want to see a movie where the fun is being poked at anyone - don't go see a comedy!

Behind every great man... is a woman rolling her eyes


I see your point h_berry but you can't be racist towards peoples names...


I was trying to make a point

I expect there is an -ist for hating names somewhere, or even a phobia of the name Bill.

Behind every great man... is a woman rolling her eyes



You can be racist about race and sexist about gender.
I have a phobia of the name Molly. ;).



NO YOU CAN'T dont you see,

Obviously plissken noone does see, maybe if you explained what you mean......

You can be racist against someones race. The word is abused and used to describe hatred for other things about a person. However, if the colour of someone's skin is how you identify their race (even though you may be wrong) then that is being racist.

Behind every great man... is a woman rolling her eyes



1. A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics.
2. A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution: e.g. the German race.
3. A genealogical line; a lineage.
4. Humans considered as a group.

Nope, it doesn't look like I am the stupid one. Try attacking the point and not the person.

Behind every great man... is a woman rolling her eyes



Oh my goodness! What is it with all the random and WRONG statements being made on this board. Doesn't anyone think before they post!!!!!

Racism is against the law is it??? Crikey, that's a good one!

Acts of violence/invasion of privacy/slander/lynching etc IS against the law. However so far there is no legislation that governs what people think. You can't legislate against what is in people's minds.

law tries to prevent them doing is ACTING on that belief. To an extent they can say it out loud, put it in print, on the internet etc etc.

It is what is in people's minds that makes them a racist as well as how they behave. So even if you stop someone commiting a racist act they can still be racist.

COME ON PEOPLE! THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!!!I'll give you an example.

I think you are a numpty, I punch you.
You make a complaint and take me to court.
The judge decides whether or not I thumped you. He couldn't care less why I did it. Guilty or not guilty of an offence - that offence being violence, not what was in my mind when I did it.


Behind every great man... is a woman rolling her eyes


wow this is a stupid discussion...this movie is so not racist!

Nothing is more painful than realizing he means everything to you and you mean nothin to him.


'Racism is against the law is it??? Crikey, that's a good one!' quote h_berry Yes racism is illegal.

neway how is this film racist???? Im britsh n i know we cant play tennis i aint offended that other peeps realise it 2

Nobodys perfect but im so close it scares me


I don't know why you chose to bring this old chesnut up but hey ho.

At this point in time there are very few (if any laws) that govern what people think.

At this point in time, the only thing that is illegal is the ACTION you do , not what is in your mind when you are doing it.

Therefore, acts of racism are illegal - i.e. GBH, ABH, arson, vandalism, theft, grafitti, murder etc.

What is in a persons mind when they commit hose acts is not illegal.

When a person goes to trial, the case is "did this person commit this act" not "why do you think this person did this act".

Why is this concept so hard for people to grasp? Having thoughts of racism in your head is not illegal.
I have principles, if you dont like these I have others


Wouldn't acts of racism actually be "discrimination". Discrimination is: Treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit; partiality or prejudice: racial discrimination; discrimination against foreigners. So technically, being racist isn't illegal. Is it wrong? Yes, of course. Acting in any way shape or form upon those thoughts of racism IS illegal, aka discrimination. I'm pretty sure that the main problem is the wrong word is being used here.


SOMEONE gets it

I have principles, if you dont like these I have others



lol...i have to laugh at the bit before where you said "its illegal, therefore it doesn't exist" or something like that.

hello? it's illegal to kill people, but you know what it happens!

anyways, all the well-informed people above have explained pretty much what racism is and i'd just like to add to the point that this film is a comedy, it has jokes in it. Even if they are jokes about "british" people, i don't consider it racist, and you'd expect the film board in the UK to help cut out anything that would be truely racist or otherwise unacceptable for its rating.

sheesh...just watch the darn film and "close your pie-hole"



I know I'm incredibly late coming in on this one, but there are some totally misinformed posts here that need setting straight.

First off, Brits/English making fun of each other is a specific characteristic of British comedy - it's called self-deprecation - because we have so many odd cultural characteristics (cucumber sandwiches, losing in Wimbledon etc) we just take the piss out of ourselves. It's nothing new, and it's nothing bad.

Secondly, in the UK, racism is illegal - it's called the Race Relations Act, and was originally published in 1976, and ammended in 2000. It makes it illegal to discriminate against somebody on the grounds of their race (or their perceived race).

The technical police definition adds a race based complaint at the end of the crime - therefore "racially aggrevated assault" is a crime where somebody attacks someone on the grounds of their race. A public order offence under the Race Relations Act would be something like making a racist speech in public or handing out racist leaflets. In that case, technically there's no crime being committed, but it's incitement to racial hatred, and is therefore illegal.

True, you can't stop people from having racist thoughts, but in many ways, as long as you're able to prevent, or at least discourage, people from acting in a racist manner, then that at least goes some way to solving the problem. The next step of course is to promote understanding between people of different ethnic backgrounds, so racism doesn't have a chance to breed to begin with.

There's nothing wrong with making a film about racism in any case anyway - films like 'Made in Britain' and 'American History X' are perfect examples of that.


This is like the third movie I've seen your name on proclaiming it racist. Can't you go troll somewhere else?


He obviously learned a new word at kindegraten last week - shame he didn't learn how to spell it

Behind every great man... is a woman rolling her eyes


LOL numpty.

I am not saying it is ok to be a racist. I am saying it is not illegal to be a racist which is what you said
- just because something is wrong in your eyes (and I am not just talking about racism here) doesn't mean people automatically CANNOT do it.

dont you guys see,
I finally see what you are saying but there is no need to be rude just because you can't put your point acrossin a way that anyone can understand.

Behind every great man... is a woman rolling her eyes


If you think every movie that makes fun of someone is racist, you are in for a life of arguing. Besides, British people have always had a tradition of poking fun at themselves when it comes to comedy. I am not sure you can call it racist when a Brit makes fun of a Brit anyway.

The Lord is my light, and my salvation.



What are you? An exceptionally bad troll?

If a tree falls in the forest and it hits a mime, does anyone care?


hehe i like the word troll

Nobodys perfect but im so close it scares me


I think you're making fun of 'professional' wrestlers and Canadians... by not knowing how to spell racist.


British isn't a race.
