Similar films?

I've seen lots and lots of movies, but, I adore Chasing Liberty and First Daughter and I was wondering if anyone could recommend similar films. There doesn't seem to be many. I loved Roman Holiday, but, was very disappointed in the ending


Pretty much any Mandy Moore chick flick. A Walk to Remember is basically this movie sans president's daughter stuff.


How To Deal


If you're meaning "traveling" type movies with scenery, etc. Before Sunrise with Ethan Hawke is really good.

It is easier to critique than create


"Leap Year" is incredibly similar. Matthew Goode plays a sardonic pub keeper on the west coast of Ireland who takes on the task of escorting an American girl (Amy Adams) to Dublin.

Through a series of misadventures they end up on foot. Lots of scenes of them walking down the road together. At one point Adams becomes so annoyed with Goode that she flags down the first passing vehicle (occupied by three male strangers) to catch a lift.

Adams' character is nowhere near as annoying as Liberty though, which gives "Leap Year" the edge IMO.


Oh yes I love Leap Year. So cute. And Matthew Goode in both of them
