MovieChat Forums > Spartan (2004) Discussion > Love this flick, but one thing nags...

Love this flick, but one thing nags...

ok, this movie is very idiosynchratic (baby!), like most Mamet stuff, but one things nags at my plausibility-detector:

When they bluff-interrogate Stephen Culp (Don't say you were there!), they pretend Val Kilmer was the relieving agent. Obviously, the guy wasn't there, and didn't know for sure who relieved him, but wouldn't he know the other members of the SS Team?

Even if we're to believe a B-teamer was filling in (b/c of the President's visit and tomcatting), wouldn't the A-team be familiar with the B-Team?

Wouldn't Steven Culp's reaction be, "Who the F is this guy?" not "You gotta believe me!"


Just realized it's an old post, but a good question deserves an answer...

I think they were hoping for a visceral reaction. Val comes at him aggressively screaming, hitting, knocking him over, he obviously has the authority of the rest of the team behind him, so the 'shock and awe' approach would rattle that guy's cage for sure.

Since the guy actually did leave his post (or was pulled off) he has no clue who may or may not have relived him on the next change of watch, and is in no position no argue. It's a great interrogation strategy that quickly pays off.

Anyway, my 2 cents.

wait for iiiiit...
