The Ending

All in all a good movie, however the ending kinda bothered me.
Supposedly Kilmers' character killed all those after the girl at the air strip and surely William H Macey was the only official to know Kilmers identity.
So, why on earth did Kilmer have to do a vanashing act, especially all the way to the uk?
I would have thought that the US was a big enough country to hide in.
They did this in Mission Impossible when Cruise was on the run and started recruiting, so where did they decide to go?? Yep London.
Just wanted to know your thoughts on this matter.


Well the reasons that occur to me are first that he went AWOL from any duties he might have had and the next is that while he was AWOL he murdered at 2 American citizens/agents. There was likely others who knew his identity which was compromised. This is a realitic scenario and out come moost other endings to spy movies are all hollywood. This is a real ending to a conflict like this you cant go home after you go off grid and settle a score yourself. You lose the trust of your service branch. Not to mention all the crimes he commited.


Scrooby82 is right, but you also seem to have missed the Ed 0'neal guy's press conference thing. Macy was just the guy heading up the Op he wasn't one of the decision makers who was actually behind everything. But even if those guys had been arrested or whatever. It's like the last poster said he was off the reservation he couldn't trust them, and they couldn't trust him.


And why Picadilly Circus instead of Schmucktown, Idaho? - it simply looks and feels better. It's a film, remember?

(There are however many more serious plot holes and moron decisions in the story, but it doesn't harm the film that much. The biggest (SPOILER): why the heck not just kill the girl instead of giving her to a bunch of scumbags, only to have to kill another one anyway? ... Etc, etc.)

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why the heck not just kill the girl instead of giving her to a bunch of scumbags, only to have to kill another one anyway? ... Etc, etc.)

She wasn't given to a bunch of scumbags. After fighting with her boyfriend about her new haircut, she gets kidnapped at a club near her university. Stoddard said that, "they would have left her in the desert". He meant that after she was discovered to be in the human trafficking pipeline, the government was willing to ignore it and let her die to hide their mistakes.


I figure I need to see the film again...

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London to me sounds like a great place, I myself have been to europe and know that London is a good place to go because you have ease of access to other parts of the world. With a fake identity and passport which he would have he could disappear easily and very quickly to any where in the world. Either by taking the French tunnel or by going thru Heathrow airport or any of a number of smaller airports around the UK. Also being the type of operator that he is he could possibly have alot of contacts in the UK. Plus with the large population of London and fake identity it would be easier to stay hidden then Jerkwater USA.

You're a daisy if you do. Doc Holliday.


And who wants to live in Schumcktown, Idaho?


Yeah. My cousin lives there, and he hates it.


i thought about this question too. My feeling is that there would be people within the administration that would want him dead (to keep him from telling the president the whole truth). But if he did ever get to speak to the president, surely he would now be in a position to ask for any favour.


Did they fly them out to London just to shoot that one scene?


My thought:

Would you go back to work for the guy who was willing to let his daughter get sold into slavery, raped (eventually), and then killed - all for political capital?

Even if you could go back to your unit and whatnot, would you?

As for London, seems a good place to live without being within striking distance of doing something stupid.


"surely William H Macey was the only official to know Kilmers identity"
You should have spent more time watching the movie, rather than playing with your cellphone. Do you remember the scene where Kilmer is sitting in a bar, and strikes up a conversation about his knife? Perhaps not. Kilmer handed the knife to him, and it was handed back. Much later, while you were still on your phone, Kilmer found a tracking device in his knife. I guess you missed that. How do you think that the tracking device got into the knife? Think hard. Now, you realize that many people know of Kilmer's mission, he faked his death so that people would no longer look for him. Does that sound familiar? You do remember when the Secret Service agent mentioned that about why people lied about the daughter's disappearance, don't you. Chew more gum.


Barring the negative tone, you're right.


My question is did the professor drown? If he's not one of the two random bodies, then the whole story falls apart, right?
