MovieChat Forums > Spartan (2004) Discussion > Wow -- Hysterically bad movie.

Wow -- Hysterically bad movie.

I read in the trivia that changes to this movie were made right there on set; using a typewriter and cardboard box. That must have been a huge step-up from the bar napkin the script was originally written on.

This movie should have been called Swingers II: Trent Joins the Secret Service.

The only thing I can say, besides how laughable every single character in this movie was or how bad the dialogue was; this movie has some balls with how confident with it is, with it's over-pretentiousness.

*Slow clap*

I think Kilmer topped his "Dr. Moreau" performance.


Yeah I just gave this movie a try and its pretty bad. Its a combination of everything. Its like a bad episode of CSI.


Holy god, that really is the best comparison I can think of, too. It's like Horrible CSI mixed with a touch of Macguyver.


I used to really like this movie, I suppose because it gave Kilmer his best shot at real acting since Tombstone. But every time I watch it the worse it gets. I don't know what happened to this project but I am afraid the main problem is Mamets post 9/11 conversion to some sort of Tea Party psychosis. The artistry is so lacking in this film as pointed out on this board. Nothing makes sense and the holes in the plot are really overwhelming. I hate to say it but Mamets directing career is about done and this film is the best example of why.


Hysterically bad comment


Well it's true that Mamet's attempts to recreate his typical stylized patter for his characters fall pretty flat this time around (for one thing, it requires actors who are on the same wavelength as Mamet in order to work and, apparently, Kilmer in particular isn't such an actor). Also, his penchant for jumbled, convoluted narratives with numerous "twists" can get pretty tiresome at times.

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan
