worst movie ever

i just finished watching this... and i want my two hours back. the dialog was horrible, the plot pointless, and the character development and acting just plain awful.



saw it in theaters and wanted to write a letter and ask for my money back.


Stop agreeing with yourself.


How can you call this the worst movie ever? What actually was bad about it. It showed real genius with the plot twists, and flowed easily. Of course, I'm guessing because it had an actualy story to it, and not two hours of mindless fighting, then it can't be a decent film in your eyes. This film is a thought provoking well scripted thriller. I actually see very few problems with it's story, with no outright plot holes, so what about it is bad?


I am in total shock as to how this movie could get seven out of ten on IMDB. I have tried to forget watching this horrifying excuse for a film, and have been partially successful. The only thing that I will never be able to forget is the terrible, and in my humble opinion unforgivable, writing. Every line by kilmer is so badly written and performed that it just grated on my every nerve. Kilmer has proved that he can do better than that in the past. So I can only assume that that is how he was instructed to do the character. I can only hope that he was paid lots of money to perform in this sorry excuse for entertainment. For those who would commend this movie I am just curious as to how I had never heard of it until I was watching it on the movie network. I would also like to say that I truely feel sorry for those that paid to see this blunder on the big screen.


You have no idea... It's not that his dialogue was badly written it's just that his character didn't have any particular character. He takes on persona's the whole time. This is a man who has been conditioned to pretend to be anybody, who always has to have something to say. Like the part in the beach house where he starts talking gibberish. Because he couldn't come up with a reason for being there on the spot he knew he had to just keep saying things till his sniper helped him out. Almost everything he said seemed like a deflection of his true character. You only actually see his true character a few times. Off the top of my head I remember the part when the soldier comes up to him in the bar and he has a tear in his eye, also when he's being pleaded by the woman who looked after the girl. Mammet excels at creating interesting and over the top characters it's just a shame some people see this complexity as a jumbled mess.



"I am trapped in this body and can't get out" - Radiohead


Chaos Thunder is spot on. This is a great movie because of its subtleties, not because of any overt action.
Special Ops work on a different paradigm than everyone else and this movie conveys that well.


Okay, when you're done teaching David Mamet how to write, perhaps you could teach Stephen Hawkins about theoretical physics...

Coffee is for closers only!
- Alec Baldwin, Glengarry Glen Ross



Well done!

~~ The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what fiction means ~ ~ Oscar Wilde



What not to like about Spartan? How about the lousy acting and ridiculous dialogue? It should have been called "Where's the girl?" If I could bring myself to suffer through this incredibly misogynistic movie a second time, I'd make it my mission to count the number of times the president's daughter was referred to as "the girl." I especially liked how when Kilmer rescues "the girl" he shouts "Keep your *beep* mouth shut!" in response to her cries of terror.


QUOTE: by - alexriggle on Tue Apr 26 2005 09:24:10
What not to like about Spartan? How about the lousy acting and ridiculous dialogue? It should have been called "Where's the girl?" If I could bring myself to suffer through this incredibly misogynistic movie a second time, I'd make it my mission to count the number of times the president's daughter was referred to as "the girl." I especially liked how when Kilmer rescues "the girl" he shouts "Keep your *beep* mouth shut!" in response to her cries of terror. QUOTE

Fool, if I was Scott I would call the Presidents Daughter 'the girl.' What else are you supposed to call her? 'The Presidents daughter'? 'The girl we are trying to rescue'? Jesus, I know that I (and many other people out there) would refer to her as 'the girl'. What's the problem??? Futhermore, and very similarly, when under fire, i'm sure that one would not say 'Please, do try to keep quiet - we are being shot at and I would appreciate the silence to let me concentrate and get you out of here'. The fact is that 'the girl' was creaming like a damn coward and the only way to shut her up would be to scream 'Keep your *beep* mouth shut!" It wasn't lousy acting at all and could kick Matt Damon in the ass in that lame excuse of a sequel to the Bourne Identity. The movie always had suspense and identical dialogue to keep it like that. Maybe not the best movie i've seen, but worth seeing a second time, definately.


"What else are you supposed to call her? 'The Presidents daughter'? 'The girl we are trying to rescue'?"

How about her name? I didn't even remember she had one until I saw it on the faux news. I understand why they referred to her as they did, but it got really annoying after awhile.

That said, I liked the movie.


They referred to the presidents daughter as "the girl" to show how she is objectified by the media and as a result, by the American people. She is portrayed as "America's daughter" by the media. The first part of the film she is shown with long red hair in photo's and on magazine covers, the media stalks her, commenting on her haircut, when she misses classes, etc. When Kilmer finds her she is rebellious, she calls herself a whore, she smokes and swears, she is trying to escape from the false identity that her father has given her. Referring to her as "the girl" furthers this objectification... The president has basically disowned her. He refuses to see her when he is in town, he instead spends the time cheating on his wife. It becomes his goal to "keep her under wraps" (as is explained in William H. Macy's speech in the airport). If they called her "the presidents daughter" it would be a fallacy. This is a comment on the media's control on the public, on politics, on identity. The end of the film shows a blissful reunion, she is called "America's daughter" and used as a campaign ploy for a selfish liar. It is necessary to call her "the girl" to show the audience just how horrible her identity struggle is.


"If I could bring myself to suffer through this incredibly misogynistic movie a second time, I'd make it my mission to count the number of times the president's daughter was referred to as "the girl.""

Wow, you were expecting special forces military personnel to speak in politically correct terms during a desperate, spur of the moment mission to rescue the President's daughter?

Wow, you were expecting politically correct dialogue from David Mamet? You were expecting his dialogue to avoid any grittiness?

"Who are you?"


How's this. They refer to her as the girl because she is the mission, not a person. She's the objective...not a person. It's also a security measure. Someone hears radio chatter, they just hear talk about a girl, not a name that could indicate they're talking about the president's daughter. This was a spy movie that was stripped down to it's barest parts, with no bells and whistle, no shaky-cam chase scenes and very REAL dialog.
Yes, if a hysterical, frightened woman can't help from screaming, telling her to shut the f@ck up is the most effective way to get through to her, not asking her politely. Watch a kid screaming in a restaurant and the moron parent asking and pleading with the child to be quiet. Then look at the mother who gives her kid a look and says, "I told you to shut your mouth." Which kid do you think would be better behaved?
Unfortunately, this is one of those movies that, if you got it the first time, you love it, if you didn't you hate it and can't bring yourself to watch it again.
"When you're pushed, killing's as easy as breathing."


Someone watches a Mamet film and their complaint is that the character was called 'the girl' on several occasions??

That's laughable.

And I see someone has designated themselves yet again as the 'PC police'.


Not every movie is going to have some social justice theme de jour (thank goodness) and not every movie should be dressed up in false clothing and made 'all pretty' by PC speak just to satisfy someone obsessed with trying to find anything they can to blare the one-note trumpet of "Not PC! Not PC! Bad! Bad!"

Stories are stories, films are films, and art is art.

There are plenty of other places to seek out dictatorial propaganda for those so inclined.

~~ The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what fiction means ~ ~ Oscar Wilde


Officially, any idiot who actually uses the word 'misogynistic' is too stupid to even be involved in an adult conversation.


Yeah, because we should just ignore any and all social issues and pretend that they don't exist.

You sir, are the only idiot I see.

,Said the Shotgun to the Head--
Saul Williams



Seriously...? This movie is misogynistic because they use jargon? They called her "the girl" as a concession to the audience. They probably would have called her "the package." The fact of the matter is that "the girl" is the most low profile thing they could call her as they were often discussing her in public. Thus she is "the girl" all of the time because having multiple names could cause confusion. Referring to her by her given name would have been begging Murphy's Law, and moreover, it would have been eminently stupid.

And yes. "Shut the *beep* up!" might be insulting, but it's better than a bullet to the brain, now isn't it.

,Said the Shotgun to the Head--
Saul Williams





Worse than Titanic? Worse than Van Helsing? Worse than Lost Highway?

'worst movie ever' is sooooo overused.


there are more things in Heaven and Hell, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophies.


I saw it yeasterday. I slept almost during the movie.
Remember the scenes in Dubai? I remember and it looks that nobody from crew haven't been there before! I haven't as well but unfortunately next to me was sitting friend from Dubai (we both didn't knew that they will mention Dabai in this movie). Firstly they could build more real decorations of Dubai city (as nobody will let them film in UAE such movie)... Nothing looks there like in real city which is so expensive and rich even cars. Probably they could copy something like car registration numbers as they look like in Dubai or just use new cars not these old pieces of iron. Did they knew that there are no old cars almost? And people walking and working in the streets? They didn't look like they are living in UAE (probaly in any other country where is high unemployment....)
Anyway I hope that producers next time will put a bit more efforts on making film scenes as there can be someone who knows the place. And probaly it will be more intresting to see.


what the *beep* are you talking about - wake the *beep* up. Dubai doesn't look like it does on postcards and it is full of ugly smelly people - they are from india and pakistan and they are everywhere. Dubai is a steaming *beep* hole full of stinking perverts, so snap out of it you moron!!




and what the hell do u know about dubai? i havent been there but my dad has, as he is a merchant marine. the city is pretty nice its one of the richest countries in the middle east. the people from UEA supposed get paid to not work, since a lot of poorer immagrants come there and do most of the crappy jobs, or so i have haerd.and by the way u sound like a f#$%ing ingorant *beep*



Being that Dubai wasn't the main focus of that part of the movie...WHO CARES if it was accurately portrayed in a low budget film? They used Dubai to represent a rich middle eastern country where some are so rich they can buy anything, including people. It could have been any oil rich country used on the those scenes.

The film was a look at the inner workings of high level assets the U.S. has for the rescuing of individuals. These guys are everyday looking on the outside and often 1 will work a mission. My brother-in -law took a class in the Navy and the one SEAL in the room had a full beard and looked like a hippy. There are videos, made by former Delta team members on YouTube to advertise the game, Metal of Honor: Tier One, that have former operators telling their mission and their feelings. These highly trained soldiers work in alone or in small teams. Its interesting stuff to some and for others, they could care less about the missions of the best trained special Ops trained warriors in the world. The Tier One number only a couple of hundred in the world. SEALS, btw, are Tier TWO, the Tier One guys are on a level about Seals. You can also see Tier One operators in Black Hawk Down, the Delta Force guys. Rangers are elite troops but Delta is at the top. To show how these operators work, in this movie a high value asset was taken along with a conspiracy theory thrown in to kink up the works. You either get it or you don't.

This is the most appropriate of those videos that apply to this film, 1 operator on a rescue mission. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnoxDv4VhHs&list=PLB06A34867A0E49F7&index=3&feature=plcp

My Blu-ray Collection http://tinyurl.com/yat3zka


ok, I haven't seen Van Helsing... but yes, I think this movie was worse than the others you mentioned. I have not seen a worse movie, honestly. I am sure that 'worse movie ever' is overused... but this is the first time I have ever used it.

I don't remember the plot so can't comment on it, but the acting... the acting and one liners were awful. I really like Val Kilmer in other movies, and though he may of been right for this role, I don't think he could do much with the script.

"Acknowledge you heard me"





I took a class in Film & Video Aesthetics in college and now that I better understand the technical elements to filmmaking, I have a better understanding of why people can see the same movie and one say "terrible!" and the other "genius!".

As it is with Spartan. Spartan is a well-made movie, but it's not really entertaining. If you're paying money to be entertained, you're going to be annoyed, possibly angry at the end of it.

But to say the plot was pointless makes you sound like you're not intelligent enough to see the complexities of the plot. It's about what people are willing to risk and sacrifice for power and how easily the American public can be manipulated into a tear-jerker moment when the truth would make us cry for a far different reason.

Wag the Dog has a very similar in plot line and is, in my opinion, one of the best films ever.

This was a well-made movie on many levels but as far as being entertaining, it definitely fell short. There's was little to draw us in to any of the characters and care about them, especially the girl. Did any of us really care if she got rescued or not? We never saw her father so we could really hate him. I wish they would have shown us flashbacks - like him blowing her off to be with a hooker - instead of her just telling us about it. It would have made us identify better with their relationship.

Or shown her being abused and degraded in the Dubai sex trade - it didn't necessarily have to be graphic - then we'd at least be sympathetic towards her.

At the end, I just didn't care about her at all. My response was pretty much, "Okay, she's back. So what?"

And that's why I always bring home 2 movies from Blockbuster. On now to Closer...


> This was a well-made movie on many levels but as far as being entertaining,
> it definitely fell short. There's was little to draw us in to any of the
> characters and care about them, especially the girl. Did any of us really
> care if she got rescued or not? We never saw her father so we could really
> hate him. I wish they would have shown us flashbacks - like him blowing her
> off to be with a hooker - instead of her just telling us about it. It would
> have made us identify better with their relationship.

I dunno if the flashbacks would have worked. I've only seen this film once, but I think that /every/ scene in the movie features Val Kilmer. It's like the camera is stuck to him, and only shows his surroundings and the things that are happening to him.


I agree with the original post, this film was very bad. I like Kilmer and Mamet, but this blew!

"There's the way it ought to be, and there's the way it is."


Perhaps if Bruckheimer and Bay made this movie you'd like it.

Spartan had unpredictable plot twists, catchy yet believable dialouge, and refreshingly underplayed characters.

I understand that different people have different tastes, and I won't fault anyone for not liking this film. However, I'd like to suggest they broaden their horizons.

This one us an unexpected gem.

the moon rulz #1


Not a bad flick...I think that you have to have seen and kinda understand Mamet's other movies to appreciate this one...I never really dug any of Mamet's movies except Glenngarry GlennRoss (sic), but the more I see of his, the more I understand and appreciate his work. The dialogue is very wooden, alot of understatment, things not said, implied etc etc.. but once you understand his style, your kinda start thinking "hmmmm..." Nothing bad about a movie making ya think. I'm not saying I'm a fan of Mamet, but I don't think his movies suck either.

Val Kilmer musta loved making this one. He's known for his wooden dialogue delivery and bad attitude/ cold personality and thus performed the "mamet method" perfectly...

Overall I'd say I like Mamet's style and that makes this movie cool, but it was only a decent story, with Mamet's cool dialogue style, but kinda bad script. The story and plot twists were also unoriginal and predictable, but in the grand scheme of things, what isn't?

I also liked that Mamet filmed most of the movie in Boston. He also shot some of his last movie (the one with brenden fraiser) in Boston too, but once again didn't bother to use real props. I liked that he managed to shoot the characters going north on 93 to go to Essex, but laughed when they got off at the Rt 60 Malden (my hometown) exit. In real life they would have continued north on 93, its faster, lol. Reading a user's coment above, I guess he (Mamet) didn't even bother going to Dubai (though he did manage to employ some Indians and Africans as extras for the scenes)...


Yeah, it's totally laughable that they didn't accurately portray the highway system.


the moon rulz #1


heh, this really is the worst movie ever. Its even worse than pulp fiction. I can't think of anything worse



worst movie ever,

so you must of thought that batman and robin was the best movie in the batman trilogy and liked gili and larry the cable guy and jaws revenge and spice world along with all of imdbs 100 worst movies go see them and compare them to this movie
its not even the worst val kilmer movie ever

it may not be that great but its most certainly not the worst movie ever

i guess its pretty hard for you to get off the couch durring the week


of cource its worse than pulp fiction
pulp fiction is *beep* amazing
you obviously didnt understand it
and spartan had the worst dialogue and the most predictable plot ever
and val kilmer is a horrible actor that is to full of himself ro realize this
(Except for his old movies)
the dialogue was so bad haha "dont smoke american tobacco, the smell carries across the dessert plain" hahaha wtf?


The acting was horrible! A blind man could see that. It has nothing to do with taste. Nothing subjective about it.



I love how people talk about bad acting and bad scripting.
OK so how many of you are in the secret service? Or any High ranking military service? NONE? didn't think so.

How many of you are in the Dubia sex slave trade? I'll give the internet the benifit of the doubt ad say NOT MANY

How many of you are proffesional actors???

How many of you are script writers?


Now, how many of you are just loser idiots how work 9-5 (if you have jobs at all) or are full time uni or school students?

Lemme guess, pretty much all of you.

OK so what does real talking sound like? Is it interesting, with a 'chilling undertone on the end of ever sentance. Does everyone always use hilariously intelligent jokes everytime they talk to someone. NO, real conversations are boring, they usually drag on and take ages to get to the point, especially when you a dealing in politics or military *beep* That's what is reat about this movie, realistic conversations, a plot that doens't insult your intelligence. I hate it when a movie try's to explain something complicated and unbelievable by throwing a random assortment of terms and phrases together. Confusing the audience only plays for so long.
This movie has a great plot, just enough twists to keep it interesting and realistic acting. I talk to people everyday, non stop, it's all I do. Emotions don't always show themselves as strongly as movies project.

I really liked this movie, fair enough it wasn't the most amazing thing out there, but it was refreshing, it kept me interested and had soem real shining moments. I mean if I wanted mindless entertainment I could watch rush hour or walking tall or something....

do you want to live forever?


ok beautiful speech there dude,
still, don't even try to convince anyone that that was real conversation going on,

boring wasnt quite the word i was looking for, the dialouge was pathetic, half sentences..full of quotes..i mean c'mon.

i've spoken to high ranking sodiers...marines..they have a flow!!
my best friend is in a special unit, the guy's got personality..i mean am i asking for too much to just have a little taste of reality??!!

im assuming blitzkreig-films (whatever) has this super duper job, and know all too much, and yet lives everyday of his life in the company of boring people..where he never hears a joke. but we arnt talking about everyday life we are talking about the army life yada yada yada..still mr holywood, go meet some real people in special forces, if u can take the time from ur bz sched and ull see what nonesence the acting was.

the buttom line is: if u have a film where everyone thinks the dialouge is **** and the only people thinking its sooo realistic are the people in holywood...do us a favor and keep it there. their job is to make us happy..making us happy in return makes them happy.

though i think val is cool..its not his fault..and the producer shares my name..so hes cool too. but everything else...o man was that a joke??!! o my! but wait im an x marine, i should be barking, saying things abillion times over and over..tell me now, tell me now, tell me now..get the point..i was there!! in such a sitchuation, u dont say the same thing over and over, u entice the guy..u only need say the order once!
and heres mine..dont watch it. if u did, back me up.


Yeah, David Mamet is a real expert on the CIA covert actions and the Dubai Sex Slave trade (which does not exist). Geez!


"Perhaps if Bruckheimer and Bay made this movie you'd like it. "

Haha, good one. This movie obviously involved a bit of thinking and there are those who'd rather sit through more action-oriented movie. If you fall into that category, please don`t call this the worst movie ever.


I watched it some time ago and I was really disappointed, the dialogs were awful, it took me almost half an hour to understand what is going on in this movie - not because I'm dumb but because I wasn't interested at all in this movie. There was nothing special there and I'm surprised how high it's ranked on IMDB. I watched to the end but only because I had nothing else to do. But it's not the worst movie - it's just boring and pointless.


Watch it again. Maybe you just didn't pick some stuff up first time around? The dialogue was very realistic, i thought. And the acting - i'm talking Kilmer here - was very good I thought. Again it was very realistic...the character is true to a highly (!!) capable, practical man (most people are fairly incapable imho). I don't know why i'm trying to get this across...

Anyway, I enjoyed the film immensely, primarily for Kilmers very well observed lead.

(if that's not what Dubai looks like then they should have done their homework though!)


Spoilers here-- This movie is not the worst movie ever, however it IS a very very bad movie. How? Oh let me count the ways... First of all unless if you are slowtarded the entire plot is predictable and boring. President's daughter: Missing! Oh no! Send in Awesome Man with his useless sidekick (who also happens to be the token black guy here - a twofer) They begin to track her down when suddenly useless sidekick is killed! Oh God now what will Awesome Man do? And then...the kidnapping was not random...it was planned. Wow. And then of course there is the duel/showdown with Val and the evil kidnapping organizer boss dude. Zzzzz.
The dialogue didn't help either- do I have to bring up "Cassiopeia, that's my girlfriend"? Horrible. Oh and what about when Val gives the ok to his sidekick to take out that pimp's eye, and sidekick hesitates?! He's supposed to be a hardcore eilite agent of the US of A, to defend the President's Daughter at all costs! He had to kill a guy to get the job didn't he? What a wuss.
Bad move. I want my 2 hours back


no, he had to knock the guy out to get the job, not kill him. Maybe you should get your 2 hours back whining about the movie online. Get out.


Just a shot in the dark here, utjtb, but did you ever imagine that on some level this movie may have been intended as a parody?

-- Badass is sent to retrieve the President's daughter, black "sidekick" is the first good guy to be killed (not very heroically, I might add), next being the brit., and last the female soldier (ie. only the white American male is strong enough to survive through an action movie). Also, "the girl" is literally dragged by kilmer every time they go anywhere. And every time the main character learns something new it's just a larger and larger conspiracy he must circumvent to complete his objective. Seems to me Mamet is taking a stab at the entire genre of action films... or perhaps simply using the genre as the form for a story about an old dog learning some much needed new tricks.

But look at where this takes the plot. From the beginning, Kilmer's only objective is to get the girl, right? Then he finds that everyone who knows the girl is still alive will do anything to keep her "dead." Then he has to make a choice: ignore the signs even though it could mean the death of an innocent, or complete his objective as he has always done, but this time as a planner not just a shooter, and for emotionally motivated reasons, not just because it's his mission given to him by the planners. This is where we find the real story in this movie. It's about Kilmer's character learning to use new tactics of planning and strategizing to beat his own people at the game they taught him to play a small part in. His dialogue reflects this as he moves further into unfamiliar territory. Through the first major section of the movie Kilmer speaks in short, broken sentences - not grammatically correct, yet highly communcative. When Kilmer's character goes off the reservation he must begin planning and using abstract logic to decide what to do next - something to which he's not accustomed - As he does so, all the time interacting with fewer and fewer military personnel, his sentences become longer, more stream-of-consciousness than he ever used before. Look at when he and the british merc in Dubai attack the car with the girl in it. Before they go, Kilmer is talking/mumbling (to himself), running through the plan again to make sure it sounds plausible when the brit. merc. effectively tells him to shut up and go shoot some people. You see? As Kilmer's character is forced to do more and more of the thinking in preparation for the hero stuff, he becomes less and less sure of his own actions, words, etc.

In response to the "take out his eye" thing, whenever Kilmer interrogates someone he uses psychological manipulation and fear as tools to get the subject talking. If the sidekick had taken the man's eye without question it would have been a pointless exercise in torture, probably fruitless. When the soldier hesitates, it gives the prisoner a chance to think, to weigh the options, make a choice... what's he going to do, choose torture and death?

The dialogue in this movie is subtle and complex. Val Kilmer purportedly read the script about 200 times before filming. Very few actors take any role as seriously as this - and certainly not for a movie whose dialoge can only be described as "horrible"



Totally agree with everything you said.

I love this movie, though it's not my favorite; certainly not on my top 10, but I don't think it gets enough credit.

I think only a certain type of person can like this movie: a Val Kilmer/David Mamet fan who likes the secret agent genre but desperately wants something different and refreshing, appreciates subtleties in acting and direction, and is very, very patient (I can understand why so many people were bored by the movie--I never was, and never am every time I watch it, but I can understand why).



If this is your worst movie ever, it proofs the fact that you either have a bad taste or you didn´t watch that much movies at all. There are so many bad thrillers out there, this is certainly not the worst of them...

I do agree that Spartan has some serious flaws. Just like other thrillers as Spy Game and The Recruit, the creators try to make an unpredictable story by playing with all kinds of plottwists. The problem is that most of the viewers aren´t stupid. After being confronted with one or two major twists, they become aware of the fact that not all is what it seems. At a certain point, the things that are supposed to be unpredictable, become predictable. Just because you as a viewer are ready for almost anything.

After the tragic death of the black boy, I could fill out the rest of the storyline in my head. Val Kilmer, the big badass einzelganger, would discover that all the events are part of a big scheme and has to free the girl himself. And, ofcourse, at the end he has to save her from the bureaucratic villain that always pops up in all of these kind of movies. And you know what; that´s exactly what happened. The only thing that still surprised me was that the machine that followed Kilmers´ trace, was hidden in the knife.

Perhaps Spartan´s biggest flaw is that the script doesn´t provide the space to give the maincharacters some depth. They are all just puppets for the storyline. Before you start to get a bond with someone, he or she either gets killed or loses its importance in the storyline.

After saying this, I must add that it is a good movie in his own way. Some of the scenes are very strong, like the scene in which Val Kilmer saves a convicted murderer from death row and has to pretend that he tries to help him. And last but not least; Spartan does what a good thriller is supposed to do, bringing you an breathtaking, exciting storyline. The flaws are just something that come up if you start to analyse the plot.


I love how people cite the "bad dialogue" as a reason the movie was bad. Just because you cant fully understand the dialogue doesnt mean its bad or unrealistic.

""I dont know how to put this but....Im kind of a big deal. People know me.""- Ron Burgundy


If they hate it let them hate it. They will find comfort in Bill & Ted or Godzilla feat. Matthew Broderick,the rest of us will be left with movies that require you to think as compared to spit out popcorn and pull your hand out of your pants. What a sad world we have come upon where movies like this are "bashed". I feel dumber for saying that word....dumber?......oh no, it has started already.


After the tragic death of the black boy

LOL...you think this guy lives in the south?

""I dont know how to put this but....Im kind of a big deal. People know me.""- Ron Burgundy


Suffering through this movie is tougher than suffering through special forces training. This was a horrible movie, I used to like Val kilmer but recently i am starting to hate the guy more and more. I only watched this movie because of the imdb rating. All i can say is, that people who rated this movie a ten have never seen a good movie. I used to serve in the army, para unit and i can tell you nothing in this movie relates to the real thing, i've met a lot of guys from special units and there is nothing in this movie that relates. I honesty can't believe i wasted 2 hours of my life on this stupid movie, its so horribly written, script is bad, acting is just plain sad. I feel sorry for whoever produced this piece of trash. I especially feel bad for whoever watched this.


Goddamn but you are a bunch of slope-headed *beep*


i totally agree with you.this film bored like hell.and i can feel how shallow kilmer's acting is on this one..an utter waste of time and money.
