This was nominated...

...for most boring movie ever! I thought the Japanese were supposed to be emotionally reserved, but in this they gush emotionally at the slightest provocation. Over the top melodrama of the year!


I thought the last half was boring. It was a struggle for me to finish it. On a brighter note, I thought the lead actor was good.

DISPLAY thy breasts, my Julia!


Showing emotion is the unstated idea behind this movie. Think about how for almost 300 years, being reserved was the status quo. And the main character comes along and throws in the idea about killing because he wants to live. This is damn strange for a normal samurai, who is taught to embrace and even seek death as the only way to carry out his duty. It's a movie and it's supposed to be melodramatic. Otherwise, you have a bunch of inscrutable, boring stiffs in a period piece. Might as well read a history book instead.

Don't get me wrong, I like the swordplay in this movie a lot. And the main character was still a bad-ass with skills...but wasn't the type to throw it in everyone's face. When dealing with people outside of a battle, the main character was compassionate, open, generous, and thoughtful, and self-sacrificing. That, is what makes the movie to me. Who would want to see another boring movie about just killing?

This totally smoked Last Samurai.



Anything is cinema, including the Avengers, you hypocritical, insulting sack of crap.



Despite having a good story and trying to tell it with a narrative, a script, characters, a 3 act structure and viewed upon on how it works as a film upon analysis. Dude, its a film, you idiot.

