MovieChat Forums > Blade: Trinity (2004) Discussion > I thought the casting of Dracula was wel...

I thought the casting of Dracula was well done

Drake was a different type of Dracula than we usually see and I enjoyed the different interpretation of him in this film. This Dracula was a silent badass within actual code of honor to boot(which you see in the battle with Blade). I can understand those wanting someone with more "Charisma" for the role but I felt Dominic Purcell did a good job with the role.


Eh, I found him really bland. Didn't even seem badass since the first confrontation he has he runs the whole time and kidnaps a baby...not very badass. If he had been attacked by Blade and kicked his ass without really trying in that moment, then he would have been bad ass.

"Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make."


I understand I know many feel the same about this Dracula being bland. And that baby scene was quit stupid. Dracula definitely should've had more badass screentime. Personally what would you have liked to seen in Dracula for this film?


He is the second worst onscreen Dracula I've ever seen and I struggle to see why anyone would think he's a "badass". While you might argue that Drake spends the entire film playing with Blade and that's the reason for his ineptitude, that doesn't change the fact that Drake doesn't do a single thing that's impressive and the way he's presented and acted make him neither interesting nor scary.

(1) He dresses like a Twilight vampire. Open-chested shirt, leather jacket, leather pants, multiple necklaces.

(2) Look at everything he actually does in the film.

-- He decapitates a vampire who was idiotic enough to lean over his grave.
-- He feeds on 5 women who were brought to him.
-- He kills two random human goths.
-- He kills John Michael Higgins.
-- In his first encounter with Blade, his first move is to push a table at him and scream "Aah!". He then runs away (wasn't Drake supposed to be hunting Blade?) and escapes by holding a baby hostage.
-- He kills three defenseless people: Patton Oswalt, a blind woman and a random black guy.
-- He remains creepily silent while approaching Hannibal and Sommerfield in the guise of Whistler (why Whistler?) but then bares his fangs and acts aggressive when trying to grab a young girl in a vent.
-- During Danica’s interrogation of Hannibal, he waits for her cue to enter and then stands silently in the background with Zoey, just like her other two lapdogs.
-- He threatens a child with death (but actually fails to intimidate her).
-- He fails to beat Blade.

(3) The scene in which he's walking down the street in slow-motion looks dumb, especially in 2015.

(It also doesn't help that this scene completely undoes the previous two scenes' attempts to make him seem formidable. First, you've got a scene with Danica and her crew that ends with Drake walking in, all smug, saying that it’s “time he joined the game”. Then, you've got a scene in which Hannibal tells Blade all about how Drake was “born perfect” and is “p*****” about his revival. So he's "joined the game", he's "p*****" off aaaaand... he spends what must be hours walking around feeling sorry for himself?)

(4) His CGI spiky form is unimpressive and, to make matters worse, we are given a pretty clear look at it in only his second scene. He also growls a lot when he's in his CGI form, which makes him seem more like a dumb animal than anything else.

(5) As you say yourself, Dominic Purcell lacks "charisma", so all of Drake's speeches are delivered in a dry, uninteresting monotone.

In conclusion, I think this Dracula is, if anything, one of the least badass villains in recent memory. The only thing that can be said about him is that he's a gracious loser. How badass.



The Slow Mo walk of him in New York, was more of a "Dracula goes to NYC", and is contrasted with the silly shop he enters where they have all the dracula merchandising. It workes better in 2004, than in 2015 post-twillight.

Apart from that; he is supposed to look like som babylonian warlord come back again, and to protray a more physical opponent, than Frost and Nomak.


The slow-motion walk didn't even work well back in 2004. I also think, as I've said before, that it's problematic having this (let's call it...) 'character-building' scene come after 2 scenes that suggest Drake is about to finally get involved with the actual plot of the film.

This is, in my opinion, the point in this kind of movie where it would make sense to have a scene in which the villain successfully intimidates and/or kills a person who the audience would, in the real world, consider intimidating, perhaps doing so as part of their first step towards tracking down the hero.

As for Drake being a more physical opponent, I think you're right about what he was supposed to be, but that doesn't change the fact that he isn't even given much chance to be physically intimidating.


To each their own I suppose, but I thought the slow motion walk was kind of badass.


He dresses like a Twilight vampire.

That was the point. That's who the modern vampire is (or was in 2004). He isn't an English count.

We’re trying to pretend as if these comic books don’t exist. - David Goyer on the DCEU


^Is that why none of the other vampires in Blade dressed like that? They were modern vampires after all.


I get your point, but those modern vampires didn't go out during the day and not only feared Blade, but being exposed to the public in general.

Drake didn't.


Your second point hits the nail on the head. It's taken me 3 or 4 viewings to realize it. Drake does nothing in this movie. I'm in two minds about the casting. I think he did the best he could with what he had to work with, but the part calls for a larger actor.

"Worthington, we're being attacked by giant bats!"


Maybe Triple H could have traded roles with him!   

- - - - Sci-fi, Batman, & E:FC

- - - - Homage to DW & B7
