MovieChat Forums > Earthlings (2005) Discussion > Is The Light Really Winning?

Is The Light Really Winning?

I could never watch a graphic documentary like this because of the emotional impact it would undoubtedly have on me. However, I also believe documentaries of this nature are vital for people to watch who are ignorant of the tortures endured by our fellow earthlings. If nothing else but to make everyone clearly aware of what is happening.

I am a vegan. Not because I believe humans should not eat meat or that all humans who eat meat are inherently cruel. And not because I believe my being vegan will put an end to any of the horror happening behind closed doors. I just, personally, cannot bear to consume pain and suffering.

As depicted in this film in graphic, gory detail (of which, I could not watch for fear of never being able to function again); humans are evil. The decency of humankind is often, if not always, too little too late.

In closing, Rust Cohle was right...

"I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware, nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself, we are creatures that should not exist by natural law. We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self; an accretion of sensory, experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody is nobody. Maybe the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming, stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction, one last midnight - brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal."

"*beep*, I don't want to know anything any more. This is a world where nothing is solved. Someone once told me, 'Time is a flat circle.' Everything we've ever done or will do, we're gonna do over and over and over again."
