MovieChat Forums > Earthlings (2005) Discussion > Vegan-diets are one answer: easier than...

Vegan-diets are one answer: easier than people think, and natural

Meatless eating is easy. It's as easy as replacing 1 habit for another. And fake-meat has made it TOO easy.

Variety: Consider these delicious foods that you probably live without: Ambrosia melon, dates, Jackfruit, papaya, lentels, hazelnuts; and less healthy granola and boca-burgers.

I fell into veganism because I found so many satisfying foods - I never got around to meat.

When I 'give up' something, I find that much more comes into my life. I've noticed that "raw-vegans" find themselves using the word 'abundance'. Life opens up to you - only when you let go the addictions holding you back.

"Science Verifies That Humans Are Frugivores" -

Human anatomy shows we're frugivorous
chart - teeth

Australopithecines did not eat meat as a regular part of their diet, and were mainly peaceful vegetarians, rather like chimps or gorillas. The popular image of the murderous ape is now as extinct as the Australopithecines themselves."

The carnivorous mammal (which first of all has claws and canine teeth) is capable of tearing flesh asunder, whereas man only partakes of flesh foods after they have been camouflaged by cooking and by condiments.

William S. Collens and Gerald B. Dobkens concluded: "Examination of the dental structure of modern man reveals that he possesses all the features of a strictly herbivorous animal. While designed to subsist on vegetarian foods, he has perverted his dietary habits to accept food of the carnivore. It is postulated that man cannot handle carnivorous foods like the carnivore. Herein may lie the basis for the high incidence of arteriosclerotic disease."

When you realize meat-eating is cultural, and we're nothing like carnivores, it's all very clear.

- Gary-811 (Vegan 20 years, 46, great health, no protein powder, fruit-based diet 20 years, high-raw 6 years, 109 videos - Gary-811
Steps to a great life:

Watch Twilight Zone
Listen to Wayne Dyer
Go vegan


How about we just nuke the planet to death. Humans don't deserve to live anymore anyways. Best we start over from scratch


And Veganism is oh so healthy, especially for babies:

Thankfully outside of the rape-infested country India Veganism is a small minority fad in first world countries, usually followed by braindead morons who look for something to cry about or done by misanthropic *beep* who loves animals more than their own kind which is insane in itself.

I kinda felt sad for those weird individuals. Then i saw them celebrating the death of hunters on facebook, publishing their violent fantasies about killing non-vegans, about how they rather save animals then humans out of a burning building, about how they won't donate blood since it could be used on non-vegans and other such insane *beep* that just baffles my mind.

Vegans are one of the absolute lowest lifeform on this planet, barely one level above pedophiles and rapists, on the same level as racists and other scum.

Thankfully, the vegan hype seems to slowly die down by now.


"Vegans are one of the absolute lowest lifeform on this planet, barely one level above pedophiles and rapists..."

Wow, what an obviously hateful person you are. Who is trying to find something to whine about, if not you? Your life must really, really suck.


Meat eating is not sustainable, so the only way for humans to exist in the future is to become vegan. The only question is just how bad will they allow the planet to get before they switch over.


I totally agree with you. When I first went vegan I was really worried how it would be and I wondered if I could do it. Surprisingly it was incredibly easy and made me feel better than I had in years. My whole family watched me transition and quickly followed suit. Being vegan is not only great for the animals it is great for your own body. The mainstream media and advertisers don't want you to know the truth because animal agriculture is a multi- billion dollar business- wake up and go vegan!
