MovieChat Forums > Earthlings (2005) Discussion > Take some comfort in Karma

Take some comfort in Karma

To all you evil, twisted *beep* that have tortured, abused, killed or other wise hurt an innocent animal for your own pleasure or profit, YOU *beep* WILL SUFFER THE SAME! in this life or the next, you will suffer the same *beep* up evil *beep* that you did to another.

The circus trainer who took pleasure it brutalising his elephants with the stick with the spike on it..if you haven't already suffered similar, imagine whats going to happen to you. To the twisted *beep* that kill wild dogs etc by electrocution in the anus! just imagine the *beep* up *beep* thats going to happen to you! you will know the meaning of butt hurt!. To the fat pig bitch mutilating the baby pigs, oh yeah, you will loose your pound of flesh...My point is that this *beep* is almost un-watchable to most human beings. Most of us have enough empathy to realise how *beep* up this stuff is. But for all the rest of you twisted monkies, you guys think back to all those animals you made suffer and KNOW you will suffer the same. So next time you're thinking about saving a few minutes by pulling the live fur and skin off a living animal, just imagine how it will feel when the same is done to you. You can all try and hide behind the argument that you didnt have a choice, that it was just a job. Karma is blind to your excuses, you *beep* will pay, you will all *beep* HURT and suffer as you die and it will be justified, it will be necessary to pay back your debt to the universe.


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(_____))(. ....\---- Cool Story Bro!
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I only wish Karma was real. I have never seen any evidence.
I've seen and even know some right scum bags that always get away scot free and never get whats coming too them.
Yet I try to live my life as best I can, would never hurt another living animal, including bugs yet seemed to be plagued with bad luck and never being able to catch a break. :(


man Karma has along memory, it remembers everything and eventually it always collects.

Scientists are saying the future is going to be far more futuristic then they originally predicted


I wish I could like, unlike, than relike this, so I keep liking it over and over again. That elephant part pissed me off. Ugh.


Maybe the tortured animals have been some of these sick *beep* in their previous lives and are now being punished by Karma. Mindblowing isn't it? O_o


The best post in this thread ever! You pretty much summed up what I felt. I only wish all the people who does animal cruelty to die/feel the same just as what they did to these innocent animals.

"An eye for an eye"


By your logic wouldn't the animals have deserved the abuse from the Karma from a previous life and if so the ones doing the harm were actually dishing out divine punishment.

That's the one thing westerns who believe in karma forget. The people who are poor or sickly the eastern people who believe in karma believe its punishment from a previous life so they have no compassion on them. The idea of karma is a sick twisted view of the world.



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(_____))(. ....\---- Cool Story Bro!
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Sure ask them about the believe of reincarnation and karma. It boils down to that. To suggest otherwise ignores the effects those beliefs have on worldview. Yeah India doesn't have a major caste system because of their beliefs in Hinduism. "Spiritual" morons who take Eastern religion and turn it into something its not is disgusting.
