MovieChat Forums > Earthlings (2005) Discussion > I actually couldnt watch this

I actually couldnt watch this

I had to turn it off after about 15 minutes.

I dont cry easy. About 3 films ever has be able to make me cry, I Am Legend, Turner and Hooch and Old yellow.

This film had me bawling my eyes out after about 10 minutes.

It got to what they did to stray dogs and that was it, couldnt watch it anymore.

I just dont know how some people can even look at them selves in the mirror.


It's really not that hard. Humans are very flexible and adaptable.


That part, I had to stop watching, I was literally SCREAMING, crying, hitting the pillow. My heart broke into a million pieces. I can't get the imagine of that poor sweet baby out of my head. I immediately went to find my kitties, scooped one of them up and cuddled her, crying into her fur. I will never forget that poor baby. She/he will forever be ingrained in my head. But after crying for 20 minutes, holding my cat, I had to watch the rest. I had to reassure myself, that the last 6 months of not eating meat was worth it. I finished watching it. And I'm glad I did. I am so sorry, that I have ever eaten meat. I wish I had never eat even a single bite of it. But this movie made me even more confident in my decision to stop eating meat. I recommend you finish it. It will speak so loudly to your heart. Its hard to watch, but you won't regret watching it.

*i sound like a bleeding heart hahahaha*


That part, I had to stop watching, I was literally SCREAMING, crying, hitting the pillow. My heart broke into a million pieces. I can't get the imagine of that poor sweet baby out of my head. I immediately went to find my kitties, scooped one of them up and cuddled her, crying into her fur. I will never forget that poor baby. She/he will forever be ingrained in my head. But after crying for 20 minutes, holding my cat, I had to watch the rest. I had to reassure myself, that the last 6 months of not eating meat was worth it. I finished watching it. And I'm glad I did. I am so sorry, that I have ever eaten meat. I wish I had never eat even a single bite of it. But this movie made me even more confident in my decision to stop eating meat. I recommend you finish it. It will speak so loudly to your heart. Its hard to watch, but you won't regret watching it.

I simply cannot believe what I am reading here. I feel as if I had typed that post myself, only I grabbed my little rescue Pomeranian and cried into his fur.

That confused and sweet baby dog will be burned into my mind forever. He/she looked back at the truck when it released it's watery filth onto the ground, not knowing that's what he/she was going into. Those sweet eyes, and the little tongue was seen as the disgusting jaws of the garbage truck closed down on this poor soul. My freaking gosh, who are we? Monsters!!! And we have the nerve to sit around complaining about what?

I stopped eating pigs in September of 2014 after seeing a poster of the sweetest piggie eyes before that baby died, and then soon after quickly stopped consuming cows, chickens and other animals. In January of 2015 I quit all dairy products and eggs. I'm now vegan, but also cannot believe the person that I used to be.

Thank you for your comments, and hope you have a wonderful week.


Same here. I feel ashamed being a human.


I just watched it this past Saturday night (11/16/13). I got through it, but it sure as hell wasn't easy. 20 minutes in I had to hit pause to collect myself and decide: "Am I gonna be able to go on watching this?" 30 minutes in I was pretty much totally emotionally spent and emotional numbness was beginning to set in. At the 55 minute mark, just after the baby seal killings started, I paused again and took an extended break.

This was quite possibly the most harrowing movie experience I've ever had, and I've seen plenty. Since Saturday, I've eaten some eggs and some dairy products, but no meat yet, and now I think about every single thing I'm eating. My old winter coat, which was a gift, is leather, and this morning I paused before putting it on. I decided I might as well keep wearing it, it's not like I can bring that cow back.

After only two days, it's hard to say how long this movie will continue to effect me in these ways. But I'm definitely more aware of these things right now, and I'm definitely going to be reading up on the issues now.


You are not alone. I found this in my videos and was unprepared. I skipped to the middle to see what this film is about and was horrified. Then went to an earlier part, about companion animals, and I had to turn it off when I saw the stray dog shot and then the men threw it into the trash truck while it was still alive and cowering.

I have promised to watch at least half of it tonight, in order to firm up my intention to stop buying meat (and donate the money to PETA) and to stop smoking (and donate the money to PETA). I am also resolved to donating half of the money I spend each time I buy supplies for my cats.

This type of behavior can be stopped. Since our taxes are wasted in support of killing and denigrating animals, in so many ways, I am willing to reach deeper to fund organizations that expose these institutionalized events.


Have to come back to mention that pet food is also a culprit, I have yet to figure out a solution to. Cat food is almost all chicken. Baby boy chickens are tossed alive right into the grinder because they wont produce eggs - the hugest money maker and most cruel form of imprisonment....

I have yet to find a solution to the cat food problem. Though, I will add that I was mulling over what to do with the meat in my freezer - I feel so ashamed - however, the cats will have this instead of compounding the problem by buying more meat in the form of cat food. Oddly enough, the cat food is more expensive by the pound than what I spent on meat for myself. So, you know us companion animal caregivers are exploited and they are making money hand over fist in yet another way.


Cats need meat otherwise they will die, something to do with the special protein they need to survive.
