Geddit right!

Ok, now thats out the way, first off, kids:

A sequel will NEVER ruin a good movie. If the second movie is crap, the first is not changed. Ok? So however much this, terminator 3, or speed 2 or MI2 or even scooby doo 2 will suck, the originals are still there for enjoyment.

Second: If you are an adult who did not like the first movie, bully for you, but sorry, you're not the target audience. Whats not to like? Kids love it. I'm an adult and I loved it. Simply because its innocent and brainless and its not designed to be shakespeare. I hope you lot understand that. This is not going in for oscar nominations. This is pint sized james bond and the best one i've seen of its kind so far. Smile!

"Hi, I'm Plenty"
"Well of courshe you are..."
