Sixth Sense vs Uninvited

Really loved it.

This movie kind of reminded me of Sixth Sense. Anyone else saw the similarity?

BoA !!!


No, it did not remind me of The Sixth Sense at all. I personally think The Uninvited is a superior film to the rather superficial US film and is overall much more disturbing even after viewing. Some scenes and sequences are downright horrifying, especially the sequence of his childhood memory. The images, sound, atmosphere are so unsettling and perfectly executed, no US film has so far achieved anything similar.


I second that. Sixth sense is basically just a film about ghosts with a twist at the the end. Uninvited is an incredibly multi-layered film, not even really a ghost story as such, more a pshychological drama about denial, truth, and self deception. the film is horrfying in other ways, ways in which I'd never really experienced in a movie, and it's strange in that it's the reality - the suppressed reality that is more terrifying than the ghostly images in which it manifests - an incredible film



At the beginning of the film, I had that feeling for a moment "This is sort of like Sixth Sense" But as the movie progressed it was clear that this wasnt true. The movie went far and above my expectations of it, as have all the Korean films Ive seen lately (particularly Tale Of Two Sisters & Save The Green Planet). Very impressed, its a shame there arent films of this quality being made here in the US.



No, because Sixth Sense had a decently-constructed plot, but this was a series of good moments just sort of strung together with an unsatisfying ending.


Two good movies do not a bad movie make. The Sixth Sense and The Uninvited are BOTH very good movies. Intelligent people don't need to bash one good movie to make another good movie looks the better.

Let's leave this "this movie vs that movie" idioticy to the Michael Bay fanboy zombie idiots type of people, shall we?

The Sixth Sense is very good, and The Uninvited is very good. And that's how it is.

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