MovieChat Forums > Into the Sun (2005) Discussion > Worst Parts? *spoilers*

Worst Parts? *spoilers*

I'm willing to give Seagal films a chance, I like his fighting style and Under Siege is a great movie but this movie was just so bad...

I'm sorry but that part where Seagal proposed to the girl was soooo cringewrorthy. The acting was horrendous and her 'i've been hiding my feelings' line, it just seemed rushed in order to get it over with and into the action.

Also, the part near the end where Seagal asks the tattooist if he ever found his parents killers. I didn't even know that his parents were dead, it just suddenly brought it up as an excuse to bring him into the action.

At one point, Chen phones Kuroda and after the convo, he tells them that there's an American nosying around (not exact words) and that he's a sword master yet this wasn't relayed on the phone.

Plot holes? Bad director? Lousy script? Whatever?

PS - At what point did you realise his partner would die? Mine was when he started taking photos at the fish factory.

I don't really care if I'm flamed for this, the only decent things were the fight between Chen and Seagal and the cameo by Chiaki Kuriyama (Hollywood is out to ruin her already it seems...).

'It isn't friendly fire if it hits and kills you.'



Yeah, the fights, what there were of them, were good but I just don't like Seagal's characters. He was a Buddhist cop in one of his films and in this one he was a master swordsman with skills unmatched...I just don't buy the poor excuses to play his fights on, they must be able to do better than that. For me, Under Siege was and still is his best film and no, not just for the cake scene either.

Why was Kuriyama's cameo a highlight? Because she's hot? Ignore me, I'm just a Chiaki fanboy ^___^

I think it was sight of her in school uniform in Kill Bill that done it for me...then again Battle Royale was the better film - nothing like a psychotic school girl stabbing her class 'mate' in the happy-sacks! She seems to like these roles a lot I guess...or just fall into them well.

I guess, it's good that Hollywood are picking up Asian actors and actresses but they're not giving them any credit. I didn't like the Kill Bill films but Go-Go Yubari was still the coolest character there - at least Quentin made sure of that. They should have made 'Into The Sun' a Chiaki revenge film with her character getting revenge for her fathers' death using gruesome methods to take them down...a revenge action horror...maybe I'll make it myself...and I'll cameo as the love interest :P but keep all sharp objects away from MY happy-sacks!

'It isn't friendly fire if it hits and kills you.'


well the bit that we started rolling around on the floor laughing at was the chinese guy's line "Ah, Steven, you seem to have become younger and taller."

as for the sidekick, yeh sending an American who doesn't speak japanese undercover in... um Japan, doesn't seem too bright.

How about all of the neat cgi inserts from the US super spy satellite? pretty pointless, but my favourite was the FBI viewing room, where on screen they're watching a shot of... their super spy satellite. so they've got a satellite to view their satellite? there's your govt money at work.

the tattoo guy suddenly gaining a backstory, the ominous shot of learned chinese guy's book on the bad guy's apartment floor (this seems to indicate he too has been done away with, but nobody bothers mentioning that to his freakin' daughter), and the prologue that seems to have nothing to do with the rest of the film; pure cheese.

Watch this for the occasional fight scene, most of which seem to be shot in close up, or just watch it for laughs.

ps, by this time i may have been ready to laugh at anything, but watching the song credits and finding Mr. Seagal wrote and performed most of the soundtrack was also funny, but the music itself was no worse than what you'd hear on any am radio station.


I thought the best bit was when the governor got knocked off and the security guy gets one last shot off then suddenly dies. I couldn’t stop laughing.


damn, gonna have to go back and check that.

btw: apparently Mr. Seagal's debut album is nearing the top of the french music charts. The world is wierder than i could ever make up...


Those unesscessary "high tech" satellite camera shots were *beep* stupid (typical seagal cheese. LOL) This movie was Seagal's acting at it's worst. Wow, did you see the "love" scene that *beep* had to be written by a *beep* two year old (Seagal and the other writer managed to top George Lucas' cheesiness).

I like Seagal's "straight to video" movies for the cheesy entertainment value and nothing more but this movie was just bad...


this movie made my balls hurt. Yes it is just that bad. Im sorry but they just tried to add to much content in the middle of the story which seemingly came out of nohwere! And let me just state for the record, SEGAL CANNOT AND WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO DO EMOTION, !!!!!!!!NONE!!!!!!! Did anyone buy the proposal scene, or the way he got his revenge on his fiancee's murderer? As I said before, my balls...are now in pain. That is all.


Yeah, that was the worst acting I've ever seen in for an "emotional" scene in a movie. Seagal blank stare with the Japanese actress not even looking at him (This is during a proposal! LOL). Absolutely no chemistry! The fact that she's talking in Japanese but there was only subtitles (sometimes Seagal would just repeat what she says in English instead). Why does he even bother writing a love scene in his movies, people don't give a *beep* about that in a Seagal movie.


I can't remember the exact words, but Segal says to his partner something like, "You went into the fish market? You could've been killed. And if that happened, I'd have to kill you a second time."

I'd really have to see it again just to make sure, but all I know is that Segal definately says something about killing his partner "a second time."

The slow, unchanging progression of time: "... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....." (etcetera)











haha, after thinking about it. the only time seagal got injured is when he fought with chen. not even the main bad guy could scratch him. what a joke!
