Is this a good movie?

I kind of want to see this movie, mainly because of the cast. But just looking at the rating that imdb members gave it kind of let's me down. I really don't want to waste my time if the movie is that bad, but the story seems cool and the cast seems cool as well. So whats up with the rating? Is the movie really that bad?


=). Yes it is. Worst movie ever. Even worse than the Hulk movie....



It's far from the WORST movie ever made. People just seem to go on extremes with no in betweens (which is why most movies are rated with 1's or 10's on this site). It is a bad "action" movie though. The action parts themselves are scattered and there isn't much of it. You end up listening to a bunch of talking hoping Seagal will just hit someone.


It's good if you're in to Japanese mob movies and Steven Seagal. Not great, but far from Bad.

Lots of good lines and fun scenerios are wasted on average viewer.


I rented this DVD this past weekend, and although the movie isn't that bad, there are 21 subtitles on the disk. The problem for me was, since I do not understand Japanese or Chinese (which they spoke a LOT), I had to switch English subtitles on to understand what was being said. The irritation for me was then going through 20 more subtitles until I got back to "subtitles off" when they started speaking English again. After doing this 3 times, I eventually left English subtitles on as it became too much of an effort and irritation to run through all the subtitles everytime I wanted them off!! In short, I did not enjoy the movie as I was irritated by the subtitle thing!!



the cast is amazing. i would've thought it was a good movie. the directing/choreographing was horrible.


its better and alot less depressing then his other straight to video films. Probably because he participated more in the production of it. Only problem is there was only 1 hand to hand combat scene i think.
