MovieChat Forums > Into the Sun (2005) Discussion > Am I the only one that thought that Into...

Am I the only one that thought that Into The Sun 2005 sucked

Am I the only one that thought that Into The Sun 2005 sucked? everything in this film comes out of nowhere... One moment Fat Man (Seagal) is fighting, then the next scene he is sitting with the love of his life having a passionate conversation. the entire story was lame to me and in fact lame is better than this movie. It also sucked that the credits say that Chiaki Kuriyama is in this and she's only in one freaking scene! That really pissed me off because she deserves better than that. Only a drunken redneck would enjoy such horrible writting... maybe I should have been drunk. If i ever met the fat ass that used to be Seagal I would show him how a real man fights; which I could do...

at least he cut the rat tail, huh?


Nope, your right everything about this Segal movie sucked. Most of them I can find something funny or appealing about it, but Into the Sun was super boring and was the most random movie I have seen.


Yah this movie sucked... but not in a bad way. It was a very entertaining, unintentional comedy. Talk about wooden acting! I think at times he was even reading cue cards. There was absolutely no chemistry with the Japanese babe he proposed (?) to - very uncomfortable to watch. He looked fat, and stoned, and slept-walked through the movie. It was bizarre to watch but intriguing.
I recognized some of the oriental talent. I'm sure they are amazing in their respective genres and in their own element (and not a lame Seagal vehicle).
Could've been good, looks like they had the budget. The editing sucked though. Sometimes you'd get a repeat of Seagal driving at night. Or a quick cut of his boss calling him saying 1 syllable and Seagal answering (muttering) "ok" or "yah", then a quick cut to something else. But as rotten tomatoes go, I got a kick out of watching this one.


This movie put me to sleep, hence it sucks.


I watched it yesterday night and I picked it 'cause I just wanted to see an average action flick.

Well - after all it was not even average.

++ Great soundtrack, a classy mixture of club sounds and asian slow tunes
+ some nice fighting scenes but Seagal looked kind of FAT to me. They tried to hide his 50 pound overweight by fast cuts.
-- A quite dumb story (the CIA observes how Seagal solves the case and the Japanese officials do nothing although a statesman has been kiled??? Come on... Japan is not an underdeveloped third world country and has its own special forces!)

Not really something to recommend - go watch Nico/Under Siege 1,2 - those are good ones of Seagal.


i thought he got fatter haha. yeah this movie whomped really bad. the choreographer and the director most've been blindfolded. i wanted to cry because one of the fighters in the movie whom i really adore [ken lo] fought like he was an infant child who didn't even know how to walk. his fighting skills were ignored by the choreographer. i bet seagal thought this movie made him look good...haha guess again.


I dont think he got fatter, he just got bigger and tougher and his martial arts has improved a lot too. Look at how he fought, he didnt get hit, not even once. His fighting technic was superb and so much fun to watch. I bet Jet Li, Jacky and that Van Damme guy combined together can't beat Seagal. Go Seagal... go go!! Show them you are still the best :)




The whole movie have extremely bad editing.. some parts totally don't make sense at all.. seems like a rush job to me.

And the reviewer mentioned about Yakuza being "chinese mafia" is totally wrong. It is actually "Japanese Mafia"






I have to agree with tool4205..It’s sad to say that Seagal is fat and old (he must be around 60) I could easily kick his ass too, he is just obese, he'd have a clutcher if he did what he did 10 years ago, or in fact if he did any exercise at all. Watched a film the other night called Black Dawn and he had a stunt double just to run???? . Only thing he'd be good in now is celebrity fit club.

TaiChiChuan I think you need to stop fantasizing about him and stop looking your bedroom posters of Seagal and get out more and look at young and fitter men..his movies are so bad lately, there is no point justifying it.

Such a terrible film, sad waste of time. Recommend, do not watch any of his film from about 2003-2004.



Re: Am I the only one that thought that Into The Sun 2005 sucked

no you're not the only one. this movie blew turds. on the cover he had a friggin m60 strapped to his back that he never even used!!!

"I think my mask of sanity is about to slip." -Patrick Bateman,American Psycho


Steven... has opened dojos in Japan
The dojo he "opened" in Japan was actually founded by his then father-in-law, owned by his then mother-in-law and managed by his former wife, Miyako Fujitani, who said of his Aikido prowess: "The only reason Steven was awarded the black belt was because the judge, who was famous for his laziness, fell asleep during Steven's presentation. The judge just gave him the black belt."


Actually, compared to some of the pieces of crap that Seagal has been putting out the past few years, this one was actually a pretty decent piece of work. The action was good by a lot of standards (finally, it's Seagal back to his old self: aikido/karate fighting instead of the trying-to-look-fancy Kung Fu stuff that he is not trained in, NO WIRE CRAP--YEEEEAAAAHHHH!!!!--, great sword work). The acting was regular Seagal acting (and trust me, there are PLENTY of worse actors out there than were in this movie). The plot actually was decent--getting into the mafia scene, no Seagal an unexplained shrouded/mysterious past. All in all, this was a pretty good flick.

By the way, I would LOVE to see you TRY to take Seagal's 6'4", 200+ pound, martial arts master butt and watch him use your face as a dust mop; I'll be sure to bring some popcorn! Grow a little common sense, pal!


Kick his arse no problem...pretty handy myself..6.4 no problem..way to old and fat, he would'nt stand a chance.


bth you made me laugh. thank you.

"I think my mask of sanity is about to slip." -Patrick Bateman,American Psycho








When in the hell have any of you seen a decent Steven Segal movie ever ? His movies are terrible and funny specifically because they are terrible and nothing else. =p


r u kidding me all his movies r good in this japanese way of steven segal t hey made the bad guys on how they acted today perfect bad guys for a good action movies basically i think all who think this movie suck can all stfu bunch of scrubs


I'm not saying that the movie sucked, it just wasn't half as good as alot of his 90's works. What is it w/ all his DVD-Direct releases in the last few years? Somewhere in this forum someone remarked about finding them in bargain bins. That's exactly where I found this film and few of the others -- the 2/$11 bin at Wal*Mart!


