this is good

i don t anderstand why everybody hate this this is a good movie the atmosphere of japan is well made the music the relation between the bad guys is very intersting steven seagal play very well only one thing if there could have been more fight ?????it would be so good so with today you die into the sun is a very good one thanks folks


Me too I thought that this film was good. Not excellent but good. The soundtrack is well made, especially the end song (Don't you cry) and the Japanese gangsters were.... gangstas! It's sad that Steven Seagal is aging now and do not produce movies like when I used to be a kid. Under Siege, Above the Law and Out for Justice were three movies with only one adjective: ownage.

Sorry about my english, I'm Québécois (French-Canadian)


hello again i am french sooo

don t forget marked for death it is maybe the best steven seagal


that Don't You Cry song @ the end of the movie is Steven Segal and band... they have decent stuff; try to find a song called Route 23 by him

If I die first, bon appetite.



awful. just awful.


I take all of Stevens movies with a grain of salt. But I watch them over and over again. For the most part, they seem to have some sort of moral at the end. Lighten up. Not every movie has to be analyzed to death. and I like the good guys winning.


Wow! another sensible poster, not as rare as I first thought. My opinion, a lot, not all, of the posters on here just love to get so personal and nasty about Steven, just so as to make themselves seem clever.They just make me laugh. Quite often, they don't even discuss the movies at all.Just this thing about dissing him. And I couldn't agree with you more.


In terms of fight scenes and sword play it is Seagal's best film in years (possibly since Under Siege). If you wanted quality acting you have picked the wrong fiom but if it is top drw fight scenes, action and swordplay u are after, then this film is the best Seagal film of recent years.


Thanks for the kind words.. Glad you enjoyed... peace mink
