MovieChat Forums > Into the Sun (2005) Discussion > MY opinion about this movie!

MY opinion about this movie!

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but *I* think this is much better than most of Seagal's DTV efforts, and for all those bashing 'mink' - Seriously, he is a *competent* director, *much* better than the likes of Oblowitz, who gave us ... ugh! ... 'Out For A Kill' and much better than that joker who 'directed' 'Black Dawn.' Sure, mink has a silly name, but he does a decent job here. The fight scenes are pretty good and the only really poor part is some ridiculous 'flashy' editing during the travel scenes. Also, the movie looks very sharp and colorful (good cinematography) and it's not all horrible close-ups like some of the other recent Seagal pics.

Another thing worth noting is Seagal actually puts some *emotion* into this movie. I was really quite surprised to see him looking angry when he needed to be angry (even when randomly throwing a table across the room) and even trying to smile his way through the awkward 'romantic' scenes (never Seagal's best moments, but usually good for some squeamish laughs). Plus - No noticeable stunt doubles and I only counted *one* dub of a Seagal line.

I enjoyed it. So there!


U got it!!! Congratulations, you win the prize! On a serious note, I also thought this movie was as good as any of his earlier big-budget action films that he was involved in.

Master card player? Resort casino owner?? or SS car enthusiast??? Make your best guess!


Thanks for the love Monteman.... Glad you enjoyed the picture... peace mink


Arigato... thanks for the love... much respect... peace mink


I agree that this movie was really good. I liked Seagal's character and it was really nice to hear him speaking in perfect Japanese...after all, he did live in Japan for 10 years. But I may not have liked this movie as much if it wasn't in Japan and if his character wasn't a sword inthusiast like he was.
Yeah, the movie was bright and colorful...that's Japan for you. I used to live there and that's pretty much how it is, especially in Tokyo.
I've watched the movie a dozen times...having to skip some parts after watching it a couple of times, but all in all it was a decent movie.




You are all smoking crack. This is a disgrace to yakuza-eiga.


Note: hello_tyler liked the first Resident Evil film.



I think it's among my most favourite of his movies. This one is also in my collection




Right on! I amdit to not being the biggest Seagal fan, my girlfriend at the time was into him, but I thought this was one of his best efforts and he even get stroy credit! It's a little slow in the middle, but great begining and end, definitely a plus for Seagal and its cool for action fans.


Glad you liked it too. But seriously, if you like action movies, and are not yet a Seagal fan, check out his earlier efforts (Out For Justice, Above The Law, Marked For Death, etc.). They are absolutely BRUTAL martial arts movies, and a hell of a lot of fun.


Now that's what I am talking about... Glad you enjoyed!!

Are these your chopsticks? ... peace mink


I have to say, I was impressed. This was definitely the best made of all Steven's DTV efforts. At times it felt like I was watching an old school Seagal film.
