Who else....

... thought John Clark and Paulina should of got together in the end?
I did!
And his wife should of got together with that detective.
OMG! that sounds weird, but Thats how I thought it should of ended...

The world is beautiful, so look after it


No, that ending would've sucked.

I liked the ending the way it was and I thought it was really sweet when John Clark went to the mall with a suit and a rose and danced with his wife.



I agree... lol.

Thought for sure that was going to happen... especially from the way the wife and detective were acting around each other in one of the scenes, it looked like they were about to kiss at one point.


NO! That would have sucked. They didn't love each other, and he was too old for her as well. She wasn't looking for a new partner, she had to find her lust for dancing again.

I just think Bobbi should have gotten together with the black detective.


Looks like Bobbi got together with Link. Not exactly a magic pair, but they're both unique individuals with no one else, so why not? And dancing-wise, they're probably about the same level.


i think the ending was soooo beautiful!!

i loved the way John came to the mall to give the rose to beverly... it was soo touching and somewhat pleasently surprising!!
