MovieChat Forums > Shall We Dance? (2004) Discussion > Incredible - Lopez shines!

Incredible - Lopez shines!


i'm sick of people coming to these boards and just insulting the stars of movie...

Jennifer Lopez can act...and in this movie she CAN! But in some movies she is just disasterously miscast.

Her strengths have definately been:
* Selena
* Out Of Sight
* Enough


I thought Jen did a superb job, she proved she could be a tough woman and still very sexy at the same time...If you don't like the whole movie, you must love the ending.

Bennifer was probably the worst thing to happen to Jenny, Ben ruined her not the other way around...he has been on a downwards slope ever since dating Gwyneth Paltrow. But Gigli (really wasn't that bad, for Jen anyway - she was definately the best character in the movie - apart from the Turkey Time line)

SO if everyone please remember that great woman who can dance and act and sing, and embrase the J.Lo the way we did back in 2000 and 2001 - before

She's such an incredible person...and it is so great to see her standing up for herself, and not allowing the media to report on every single aspect of her life.

You Rock Jen!



You're right, Lopez was great in Out of Sight and Selena (and was above average in The Wedding Planner), but she hit a new career low in this movie. Her dialogue sucked, which I know isn't her fault, but she didn't help bring any life to the dead words. I was surprised that a character she played would be of such little importance. She was second billed because of her name, when the character actually deserved fourth billing (behind Gere, Sarandon, and the chcik whoplayed Bobbie). I hope Jennifer Lopez can get her career back on track, because she has shown she can act, but needs a reminder how.



Yeah JLo was pretty good in this movie,not as good as Selena or enough but,she was ok.


totally agree, J Lo can act and she is magnificent in this movie!
I become her fan eversince 'out of sight'. It is true that her character in this movie is badly written, but lucky for us that the director let her dance, let us see the way she moves, it is just fascinating!


I agree as well
I think some of the best scenes in the movie is when we actually get to see
Jlo dance.
She has a way of expressing alot of emotion when she dances


her character was very emotional and very empty at the same time .Thats what is weird .HEr character became better and better towards the end.I would love to see more dance movies where she dances like the tango scene which was the best scene in the movie.


HOW can u say she shines in this movie!!! Sure she had a role in the movie but as fair as being a star HARDLY. She played a limited role and almost anyone who could dance could of had the role !!


She DOES shine but as a dancer only... otherwise, she looked so fake. For example when Mitzi asked if she would like to show some dance to the beginners, she answered:"Certainly Ms Mitzi" with a strange, unatural and hi!-i-am-a-100%-naive-girl look. Her lines sux.



Hey, you sound like a fan and that's just fine. I'm a fan, too, but only of writing, acting, directing, and all the things that go into making these marvelous magical movies that I so dearly love. I have no interest in knowing anything personal about any of these people. Media news is just gossip so I ignore it, and I also ignore anyone who insults anything because that's simply bad form.

You thought Jennifer Lopez did a wonderful job in this movie? You're right, at least in my book, and she's done a fine job in anything I've seen her do. Ya gotta love talent, ability, and skill.

Writing about movies is like dancing about architecture



well her character was like one of those models who dont work anymore their beutiful and perfect but yet so empty inside.You can see how empty she is when they go to the hospital to visit bobbie and you see paulina roll her eyes as if she doesnt give a *beep* was bitter and at the end she dropped that and because of mr. clark she was happy again like if she got a new modeling contract etc..

She did great she was supose to be emotionless like in the original movie.
