MovieChat Forums > Shall We Dance? (2004) Discussion > Don't overthink and you'll have fun.

Don't overthink and you'll have fun.

If you're looking for a good movie to put your mind on pause and just have a good time, this is a nice one. It did drag at times, it wasn't something that will go down in history as something fantastic, but it was worth one viewing. Richard Gere is likeable, Bobby Cannavale is beautiful, Stanley Tucci ended up being my favorite in this for his role as the dancer who has to hide who he is to be accepted for what he loves, it was all very nice.

The movie critic in me has to continue.

After you look past the fun, it's not a good movie and that's no real surprise. The plot isn't really there. Richard Gere's character dances because he wants more out of life and hides it from his family because he doesn't want to appear he's lacking anything. There's no real reason said why he feels like he must hide the fact that he's not ecstatically happy, sure he's been the same way for years in his job and such, but that still doesn't explain why he goes through such lengths to hide the fact that he wants something more. Of course dancing isn't widely accepted when it's a straight male doing it and I can understand both his and Stanley Tucci's character's need to hide that, but as for hiding it from his family for the reasons that "he wanted more but shouldn't want more" or something like that didn't add up.

Susan Sarandon's character was painfully lifeless. She cared enough about her husband's lying to her that she wanted to hire a PI, but there was just no emotion there. And as though to make up for her character's real lack of depth, they threw some scenes in there at the end where she was really hurt when she found out what he was doing. I won't even mention the children, their parts in the movie was just to fill up space.

And now, Jennifer Lopez. I want to first state that I love Jennifer Lopez. I love her, I love her music, and I am a big fan of some of the things she's done in movies and I actually feel she's underrated as an actress. But. I don't know if it was the script or the direction, or that she was going through things during the filming of this movie -- but Paulina was a mess. And not an understandable mess, the character was awful. What was she constantly crying about? She lost the competetion and she lost her long-time boyfriend, I understand. But she was annoying. Instead of showing emotion that would have made an impact if shown during just key moments of vulnerability, she was constantly puffy-faced and depressive, and all around bitchy. Jennifer's acting was poor, the character was huge to the movie but pointless when you get right down to it. She was supposed to be what made Richard Gere's character come in the first place and he was supposed to help her through her issues, but she was so unlikeable that you honestly didn't care about her. It's too bad.

I personally think that if it weren't for Bobby Cannavale and Stanley Tucci, this movie would have been bland. Bobby is constantly fun, Stanley is always an underrated actor. And Omar Benson Miller made for a lot of fun too. This was the sort of movie where the background characters gave the most color and made the movie worth watching at all. If it weren't for these characters, I would have gotten very little enjoyment out of it overall.

I'd give this movie a chance, like I say about most movies. You may love it, you may like it, you may think it's a waste of time. This is one of these movies that depends on who you are to if you'll appreciate it or not.


this is one of my favorite movies.i actually loved jennifer's showed a lost,hurt woman that really hasn't healed from her past.and not only did she help richard gears character put lfe back in him,but he also showed her that you have to enjoy life and move i really enjoyed this movie.

when i go to sleep tonight i will be dreaming about you
