MovieChat Forums > Shall We Dance? (2004) Discussion > Lopez's Role - Was it cut down?

Lopez's Role - Was it cut down?

I saw Shall We Dance at a test screening in May '04. Shortly afterwards, Miramax announced a delay until October. I was invited into the fifteen-person focus-group afterward, and our main criticism of the film was Lopez's lack of chemistry with Richard Gere, as well as the ludicrous flashback where she "loses her drive" during an Italian (?) dance competition.

That said, the most cringe-worthy moment for was a bit where Lopez relates to Gere, saying they're both "sad." I found the performance so out of key and wrong that I made a point to bring it up in the focus group, and a few people agreed with me.

Is that bit still in the movie?


well in the dvd it showes the cut scenes and the sad scene i think it was reshot because its neither int he film nor the cut scenes the only scenes cut where vinn's dance and chics dance and an alternate opening and an alternate bobbie rips her skirt a longer lopez with the kids and a scnene which i think was really good with lopez and gere shes teaching him how to hold a woman correctly.

They had chemistry alot of it I got the notion they were falling for each other until she just told him shes not for sale.And just gave himt he cold shoulder.


That must have been interesting to be in that focus group. I happened to fall into one in Dallas in 1981 for The Eye of the Needle. I saw the film and when the lights came on, the staff passed out cards for us to write on. We were all really into it! I saw bits of the movie on TV a few years later and it was tightened up but they didn't film scenes I mentioned to begin with. Anyway, I do know what you mean about chemistry. Maybe it was just weird to see JLo so down. I would think she wouldn't wallow so much in it. I would see her fighting against it.

"I was in a tight spot but I managed to wiggle out of it." Mae West


I think it's good for jlo to play a character where she is down and doesn't have that fight in her all the time. It gets harder to get other roles as an actor if you're typecast as a certain character.
