New song question...

Does anyone know what the song is that Paulina dances to for the boys that very first night? Miss Mitzy calls her and some man in to demonstrate, and they dance to this BEAUTIFUL song! I've heard it before, but I can't think of what it is. In some other love story some girl in an apartment... she would listen to the man in the next apartment building over... every night at a certain time he would watch this movie with this song in it, or maybe he would just PLAY this song on his record player... I can't remember anything else about that movie, including the actress, so I am REALLY stuck here! Anyone have any suggestions, or does that scene sound familiar to anyone else? Thanks so much for any help!


"Moon River," by Henry Mancini, from the movie "Breakfast At Tiffany's" (Audrey Hepburn, George Peppard). Fantastic song!

3 cheeky little monkeys shop
