Thank you, Mr. Gere.

Really this topic has nothing to do with anything. I just wanted to thank Mr. Gere and the movie "Shall We Dance" itself. Why? Because I just returned home from my first Academic Olympics match and the question that I answered that won us the game was "Who is the leading man in 'Shall We Dance'?" So, I just want to thank you again. I have received a multitude of praises from my peers and AO coaches.

But all good things come at a cost. After I told my team captain the answer and we got it correct, the woman asking the questions went, "Now, which CHICK got THAT question?" I blushed and hid behind my arms while everyone on my team screamed my name. Really, I shouldn't have been embarassed, but then one of our coaches praised my "taste for older men." Mmmmmmm, yeah. I want me some of that.

I love you, Mr. Gere, but platonically... I assure you.


Lol! :D

Who IS this girl?



How VERY misogynist and sexist of her.
