Susan Sarandon

Don't U think that she could be more sexy than this?...
I believe that she's hot in this age...
Don't U?


She IS more sexy! It was very cool of her to pretend that Lopez was the pretty one.

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I can only hope i look half as good as her at her age

Irony can be pretty ironic sometimes



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Yes, she's definitely incredibly attractive - she only seems to get more so in every movie I see her in. And I thought the scene in the little kitchen at the end of the movie was one of the sexiest scenes ever!


I've never understood why people find her attractive


I think that she did great in this movie. It's one of her best.


Watch the montage at the end of this scene and you'll get why people think that Susan Sarandon is a sexy woman. I'm straight and she was absolutely sexy in that scene


Susan Sarandon is way prettier than Jennifer Lopez!!!!!!

"Is it just me or does anyone else see the little fashion elf?"


See there is the thing Jennifer is "pretty"
Susan is elegant and Beautiful
When they stand together you see Woman and Girl

Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.


And with the above words, there endeth the lesson, kindillin, on what we see that you have not. Therein lies the difference 'tween the two actresses. Susan exudes a cool, classy charm that few can match. Her beauty comes from being herself, and not even trying, or re-inventing herself, she's a class act all the way.


I agree I think she is so sexy in this movie and I love the bit at the end where her and Richard Gere are dancing in the kitchen and to me that is so sexy because its about a couple who have found their mojo as couple again and it is jhust incredibly sexy.


I agree. She is so beautiful and has so much character in her face.
I love her in this film. She has featured in so many of my favourite films (especially Dead Man Walking, Little Women, Thelma and Louise.)
She's just fabulous.
