Better dancer?

I remember watching this a couple of years back and just a few months ago, I got a copy of Dance with Me (1998) that starred Vanessa L. Williams and Chayanne. I watched it for the first time when I was younger and when I watched it again recently, I was just as stunned and in awe of what an amazing dancer Vanessa was as before.

At the moment, I can't watch Shall We Dance so I was wondering for those who've seen both movies--

Who's the better dancer? Vanessa Williams or Jennifer Lopez?

Basing on these two movies, of course. Just the dancing--no story lines because I really don't care at the moment.

Thanks :)

and no flaming. I'm asking for opinions, not bashing of either women.


i havent seen dance with me but if you say the dancing was so great in that movie i will watch it.
i love a good dance movie even when the story its not so great like step up and take the lead.
i loved sall we dance but i wouldnt call this a dance movie, its more a romantic comedie with the ball room dancing just as the enviorment.
Like Tennis in Wimbeldon.
