MovieChat Forums > Shall We Dance? (2004) Discussion > J'Lo's role in 'Shall we dance'

J'Lo's role in 'Shall we dance'

Who prefers her role in "Shall we dance" as Paulina, than to her role as Miller in "Enough"?


It's possible to prefer one over the other?

In Enough she just wasn't believable as the battered wife and in this it's like she's trying WAY too hard to seem meek and innocent while always seeming... out of breath.


I thought she did really well in this film. It seemed very real for her and she seemed to really get the movie. I thought she was pretty believable. In my opinion, J-Lo is the best singer-turned-actress.

Last Movie Watched:Shall We Dance?
Rating:One of my all-time favs. Amazing performances. 9/10
"So much happened before Dorothy dropped in!"


I totally agree that Jennifer was very good in this movie. I also think that she's an extremely talented actress in general, as well as a good singer and entertainer. Although, she was an actress way before she started her music career; so technically she's an actress-turned-singer.


in conclusion this movie sucked real hard, in fact is the worst movie i have erver seen. jlo´s acting is a huge mess i hate watching her movies.


Wow, the worst movie you've ever seen? Are you sure about that? I thought that this movie was so good; Jennifer acted well in this. And no offense, but if you hate her acting and seeing her on screen so much, why do you watch her movies in the first place?


The scene in which she demonstrates 'dancing passion' to the rest of them, kind of sums up Jlo as an actor: insipid, lacks true emotion, expects her looks to make up for acting skills. She was okay in the Cell but after that, it's been downhill.



I started watching the movie tonight because there is really nothing to watch. J Lo didn't dance away with this movie. She could have but she didn't. She seemed to be just putting on her method "pained" look. Lisa Ann Walters was cute and memorable.

I've found myself switching channels and found the squid documentary to be much more intriguing.

The Japanese version seems to be much more lovable and genuine and the girl in that version had a natural sadden look about her and she was genuinely beautiful.


I think JLO is great in this movie. she is a very hard working actress. Ive heard people put her down for many reason but she is a very good actress and seems to always give it her all.


i like j-lo


I loved her dancing and thought she looked beautiful. Her acting was atrocious.


I think she ruined the film - her acting was terrible....

"Take your body to the floor....your disco needs you" - Kylie M


what was the other version of the film?


The Japanese version has the same name: "Shall We Dance," it's also called "Shall We Dansu"


Tamiyo Kusakari,the Japanese actress in the movie,Shall We Dansu,was a lot better than Jennifer Lopez in Shall We Dance in terms of acting talent.Aside from that,Kusakari is a lot more beautiful,elegant and demure compared to that of J.Lo.
Aside from that,J.Lo's Paulina in the remake never did justice to Miss Kusakari's Mai in the original. Sad to say,the only thing that J.Lo has is her boobs and her booty.


J Lo is always great. :)
