MovieChat Forums > Shall We Dance? (2004) Discussion > Gere's character - inconsistency

Gere's character - inconsistency

As I watched the movie, he initially goes to dance studio because he sees Jennider Lopez in the window and finds her to be so beautiful. She rejects his dinner invitation. Later in the movie, he tells her that he came back to the dance studio to prove that she was not right that he came to the class for her. But later in the movie, he professes his great love for his wife. What do you think? Was he looking for romantic relationship/affair?



I think Gere was flush from dancing in Chicago and envisioning himself as a dancer???



I beg to differ with this thread. Nothing in the movie indicates that Gere wanted to have an affair with J Lo. I know that's difficult to believe these days, where they jump into bed at the drop of a hat (in movies and in real life).

Listen to what he said about why he came to the dance studio, he said words to the effect that she looked on the outside like he felt on the inside. So, Gere felt a connection to J.Lo, but a hurting emotional one- but it's only the modern mind that instantly turns that instantly into something sexual (I mean no insult to the person/people I'm disagreeing with). An invite for Chinese food to a sad JLO is not necessarily a proposition. And it didn't seem to be to me. It was a helping hand.

At no point did Richard Gere express unhappiness with wife Susan Sarandon either. It was his OWN life that was lacking accomplishment: TRUE accomplishment. I know so many people in his boat that it's not funny. People who buy and buy things, have all the money in the world, but are really not happy, because they are missing a main point of life, that's it's not about the great job and the fancy home, it's about doing some things you love, and accomplishing something in them, regardless of whether it makes money.

I loved this movie and all the values in it. I know the hip cynics probably trashed it in their reviews, and shame on them.




I just thought it was a beautiful story, and wonderful on screen.

I too think society is so geared to the fact that any contact between a guy and a gal must be romantic, that in life it leads to a lot of suspicion and ill feeling, and we miss out on a lot, friendship, helping someone is such a good thing to do and recieve.

Kayak free yourself from image-consciousness worry about waterproofing, warmth and adventure


^ exactly this. sometimes people forget you can have a connection that isn't sexual with a member of the opposite sex in this kind of situation. his love for his wife never diminished, he felt a longing for something that was lacking in himself, not with her


This movie either works for you or it doesn't. I think I enjoyed it because I am older and can relate to what Richard Gere's character is going through. Middle age crisis is a bummer, but it it happens....and those fits and starts can seem inconsistent.


I think the look she had on her face as she looked out of the window, just made him feel she was experiencing what he felt deep down but could not express, I think he was confused about what he wanted from going to the dance studio, he was very hesitant, kept changing his mind.

But in the end I think he realised that what he wanted from her was kin ship, she was a fellow sufferer in his eyes, he wanted understanding, as he felt ashamed of how he felt, ungrateful, Lopez's look made him feel not alone with the way he felt, and so he wanted to meet her, but in the end everyone at the dance studio the whole experience the dancing made him feel like loads of people feel this way and are searching for something more, and then together they all found it.

I think he was very confused about how he felt about Lopez, at the start and felt guilty about it because he was honourable and always loved his wife. An instinct drew him to Lopez, and I think that scared him because it felt like betrayal, but in the end he realised it wasn't a betrayal of his wife, his friendship with lopez was not romantic, it was innocent, married people can have close opposite sex friends and people who share hobbies, it's just not always accepted as being okay, but he was totally faithful to his wife.

Kayak free yourself from image-consciousness worry about waterproofing, warmth and adventure
