Was Chic gay

from the ending, he seemed it


He was dancing in a gay bar at the end, so one would presume so.


That part was a little confusing because at the beginning he talks about taking lessons just to check out the women!

Don't look down on someone unless you are helping them up ~ unknown


Yeah I think he was in denial, his dance partners brother seemed to be giving him flirty glances, then dancing in the gay bar at the end. I thought he was gay, yes.


>That part was a little confusing because at the beginning he talks about taking lessons just to check out the women!

Typical behavior, for an in-the-closet male trying to appear heterosexual. Sometimes they overcompensate.


Yes, I believe that in end, he is gay. If you notice the guy that he's dancing with in the club is the same guy that was his dancing partner's brother, who was helping the dancing partner get ready at the competition.

"Tell our story Christian"


Yes Chic was gay,the guy that was helping his dance partner get ready at the competition was his lover.I don't think Chic was in denial about being gay he knew it all along and didn't want anyone else to know thus his supposed homophobic behavior


I'm not sure, it seemed to me that he was so into dancing that he'd do what needed to be done to dance - if that meant dancing with a guy - so be it. Otherwise they should have gone even further with his homophobic behavior.


he probably turned gay when he was dancng w/ John!(Gere) LMAO LOL HAHA


I think it's pretty obvious Chic is gay and that he was overcompensating and desperatly trying to hide his true feelings at the beginning. Note as well it's the brother of his dance partner that he checks out at the competition. For him the story is about coming out. Dancing helps him deal with the fact that he is gay and that it is okay that he is.

Eibhlinn Savage

[insert movie quote]


I thought so, too. I'm glad someone else asked because I was confused. Too bad cause he's a cutie.


Yes, you were supposed to assume he's gay.

Last Movie Watched:Shall We Dance?
Rating:One of my all-time favs. Amazing performances. 9/10
"So much happened before Dorothy dropped in!"


another indication that he was gay was wen the dance teacher miss mitzie said something along the lines of "you have a sensuality when u dance, rarely seen in men"


if a movie shows a guy who is a tough guy who loves ladies, hollywood will make him gay, and it's lame but it's the new political way




Chic was gay.


Yes, that's what you're supposed to believe anyway. It was the typical Hollywood "you can't judge a book by its cover" throwaway joke.

In addition to the aforementioned clues (before the reveal at the end,)was Chic's response to the question about how he knew his dance partner's flamboyant brother....an unconvincing, "We, uh...play basketball together."



his name is Chic

"...I'm a contradiction"
