Dumb daughter

Nevermind the fact that she couldn't act, what's with screaming for her father at the top of her lungs when he was dancing? She did it at least twice, like she wasn't simply trying to encourage him but instead trying to make her presence known and have a conversation with him or something. I'm sorry, but it's just selfish to behave that way when people are performing. It wasn't about her! Normal people would watch and then run up to him after he's performed, or better yet, not tell him at all and let him have his secret.

I think it would have worked better if the daughter was a lot younger so she didn't know any better, or just over-the-moon excited and couldn't contain herself.


Ugh I know! That whole thing pissed me off!! I hated the daughter, especially at that scene.

"... well, I have a microphone and you don't, SO YOU WILL LISTEN TO EVERY DAMN WORD I HAVE TO SAY!"


I know, stupid bitch and besides, when she saw him practicing, she was like Mom, dad is acting weird, it's called dancing bitch!

This store is cool! It's huge with all the young people, I mean all the us!- Jenna Marooney



That screaming incident at the dance was a plot device to get to the point where John Clark stepped on the Bobbinators dress. He was looking into the crowd after Bobbie asked if his family was there and lost concentration. Then they were bumped by another couple causing him to step on the dress. It had to happen, it was in the script. The scene was not about them winning the dance meet, but to bring the storyline along.

I do agree that the daughter charactor was immature and rude as are a lot of child charactors are in movies these days, and I also agree with the wife charactor acting like a moron in the parking lot afterwards, but hey, that's what scorned women do eh? Besides, that's what the script and storyline called for didn't it?


It was in the script for her to be annoying
