Fave scene

I love, love, LOVE Stanley Tucci's character. My favorite scene in the whole movie is where he is dancing his heart out to the Latin music at Miss Mitzi's and Richard Gere comes in and sees him and keeps trying to get a better look at him under that wig. So funny!



thats my favorite too...so funny


Mine is the one where Paulina dances to Moon River with the other guy :) it's such a nice scene and a nice song <3

Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire.


I loved the scene when John Clark and Paulina talk...very awkward...


I have a couple of faves: I love when Richard Gere comes up the escalator to where his wife is working, Classic...Loved it. and I love it when Stanley tells off the people in the office.


when link does a spin with that woman at work who was taking the piss out of him being a ballroom dancer. she's stunned and says "*beep* you all" thought it was a great scene

Thunderbirds Aren't Slow


Mine would be when Mr. Clark <Richard Gere> coming up the escalator to see his wife.

Burn it.


I love it when Richard Gere comes up the esculator in his tux and with a red rose! so Romatic!

I also love Susan Surandons speach about marriage and how we all need a witness to out lives.

Plus when Mr Clark and Bobby do their first ballroom dance in the competition

Viva La Vie Boheme


Also, every scene with Richard Jenkins (whom I also loved in Six Feet Under)! He's so funny! Esp. when he combs his hair ... and then his eyebrows. :-)



Personally I have three favourites that come to mind:

1) The escalator scene where John comes to get Beverly to go with him to the dance.
2) Susan Sarandon's monologue about marriage to Richard Jenkins
3) And the end montage where you all get the how they ended like Chic turns out to be gay, Omar Miller gets married to Mya, Stanley tucci and Lisa Ann Walters characters seem to be getting together and finally John and Beverly have a very sexy meal.


The "demonstration" scene between Lisa Ann Walter and J-Lo. Walter's delivery of the last line (something like) "Why can't you do it like that," is classic, right up there with Richard Jenkins' delivery of "Possible.....but not likely" in his first scene.

Those are two examples of how a forgettable line can be rendered classic by the delivery of an actor with impreccable timing.


It may sound crazy, but though I loved the whole movie, my favorite scene was when Miss Mitzi was at the dance club and started singing Shall we Dance. I just loved the way Her and John Clark spun around the foor. It was so cool.


When "Paulina" and "John" dance the tango. I thought it was awesome!


Like everyone else, I loved the part with the escalator and the rose, but also the lead up to it to the Peter Gabriel song, which was beautiful and perfect for that montage.

But another scene that I loved was small, but it was when he sees his son on his way to class, debating whether or not to go in, and his son invites him to go out with him and his friends to meet the girl that he likes. I just thought it was so sweet, that he wanted his father there, and wasn't embarassed about seeing him. I just thought during that scene, "Wow, John & Beverly raised some great kids."

"Oh my God! You put a living room where the crack den used to be!"
