Actor who played

Dancer in the competition, Link & Bobbi dance, he pulls Link's wig off. At first I thought it was Maks from DWTS, obviously not him, but he looks familiar. I didn't catch his character name & searched the cast listing, with so many names, not sure.


Not Maks, but he was definitely in DWTS

"You will get precisely the news you deserve if you accept mediocrity."
Nick Clooney


Tony Dovaloni (sorry spelling)


You should try this site called imdb. It's chock full of information about movies. Everything you wanted to know but was afraid to ask. Try it sometimes.


Thank you VashtiBlu & eliz7212-1, I knew I had seen him in DWTS at some point.


Why not just go straight to the cast list and see for yourself right away instead of going to the message board to post a question that might take anywhere from hours to months for someone to answer? Is it that difficult of a task or has everyone's DIY skills deteriorated that far?





*Who's* the actor...

who's = who is

whose= whose car is that?


No Message




So what? Just trying to help you be less ignorant.

When you finished school or when you finish school, did/do you say "That's it. I'm never going to learn another thing ever again."? I hope not.

You were supposed to learn the difference between who's and whose there anyway.


You go girl!

"check the imdb cast list before asking who portrayed who in movies please"
