Happily Wrong lol

I avoided this movie for years because I thought Richard Gere was going to cheat on his wife. lol I just assumed he was going to "fall in love" with J. Lo and everything was going to work out perfectly between them and he would end up getting a divorce.

When Jennifer's character very pointedly told Richard Gere's character that she hoped he wasn't taking the class to pull a date and when his coworker was outed during one of the practices (I think it was Stanley Tucci dressed in a wig that got pulled off) and then he and Gere go out to the pub to talk about dancing really made me interested in this movie because it explored unhappiness in your life and changing your life without wrecking your life (most cheating movies seem to involve wrecking your life but kind of gloss over it to focus on the "soul mate" angle).

Even though I'm not opposed to the formulaic cheating movie it was nice to see a movie that focused on the need for individual happiness from a different perspective-taking up a fun new hobby for your personal pleasure and/or to learn something new--rather than the usual "I'm unhappy with life so I'm going to bang a total strange but it's fine because it's totally going to work out".

There are definitely times in life when you need to get outside of yourself and go in a new direction but that new direction doesn't always mean turning your back on everything from before it just means doing something new and I really liked that about this movie. It was kind of cheesy but definitely enjoyable. =)


While I agree with the sentiment of your post, I found most of the sub-plots pretty trivial and inconsequential and really only useful in detracting from the chemistry of the Gere/JLo pairing. I love Susan Sarandon, but her character here was like a third leg, only useful in getting in the way. I just kept wishing she wasn't there. ironically the best of the sub-plots IMO, involves her relationship, with the always very watchable Richard Jenkins character. I like the movie, but the trouble with it, is that the highlight comes in the middle of the movie, when Pauline gives John the private dance lesson. From there the storyline and dancing just plateau out.🐭
