As customers, we should....

We should write comedy central and tell them Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn got ripped off, I think networks screw us over by cancelling shows too early, I feel like a used whore (bad analogy? sorry) when that happens to me. Anyway, Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn wasn't my favorite show ever, but it had it's moments, I've come to appreciate Quinn's dedication to his craft and I like his humor and I think it was a solid good show, at the same time, I wasn't entirely sure it would catch on, Colin Quinn never got a lot of buzz when he left SNL the same year as Tim Meadows, and Fallon and Fey did such an extraodinary job hosting Weekend Update that he could just have easily been forgotten as been successful, but I felt moved enough during his final episode that I thought:
1. I'm gonna miss this show
2. Damn networks

So I'll write the network, and I encourage others to do the same, you never know, but after Family Guy's write in campaign, maybe us TV viewers really do have a voice :)


As consumers we know that the almighty dollar controls network programers decisions. The main reason Family Guy came back, aside from the high ratings on cartoon network, was the dvd sales. So when the T.C. dvds come out, vote with your wallet.
I knew it was going to be tough to watch the final episode, so it sat in my tivo for 2 weeks. Well, I was right. I got choked up at the end, and I could tell Colin was by his red eyes. Sad *beep* Can I still say that? Or will this post be cancelled too?



As cool as it would be to have Tough Crowd on DVD it probably won't happen, current events shows (which is part of what Tough Crowd was) are too time sensitive for DVDs (besides, what are the odds that you'll find the 2002/2003 season funny when you've forgotten what all the stories are about?). If we're lucky we'll probably get Tough Crowd Stands Up eventually, but Comedy Central takes forever to put out merchandise that isn't terrible and/or South Park related, so we're screwed.

What annoys me about the money angle is Comedy Central has no one to blame but themselves. Even discarding the fact that Tough Crowd was only shown once a day on a network that shows everything at least 3 times a day, the show was marked for death by the beginning of the third season (if not midway through the second). When was the last time you saw a full 30 second spot for Tough Crowd? And that's for a current events show that ran 4 days a week with a new episode each day. Compare that to shows like Reno 911 and Chappelle's Show that continue to recieve regular, full 30 second spots even now, inbetween seasons when they're both in reruns, and you start to realize that the brass either wasn't interested in Tough Crowd or just wanted to kill it.
