MovieChat Forums > The Last Shot (2004) Discussion > Doesn't Toni Collete look amazing!

Doesn't Toni Collete look amazing!

She looks gorgeous in this film (From the trailer at least)

"Just tea, thankyou"


She does, but I don't like it. There are some women who should remain fat (she wasn't really fat), and I do not mean that as derogetory at all. I thought she was perfectly happy the way she was, and I hope she gains it back after this film.


I don't think she has really ever been "fat" (apart from in muriels wedding), but she does not suit incredably skinny.

She stilll looks good though.

"Just tea, thankyou"


Toni Collete is an amazing actress, and she changes her body and image, as she sees fit for a role.



Think that's kind of the point.


Haahaaa..a slut? Makes me laugh just thinking about it. Toni is such a quirky acatress, it is hard to imagine her like that. Great visual- can't wait for this one.



I understand what you're saying - I'm not a pervert, but I like women who are natural looking. Toni at 120, 130, 140 would be fantastic. Hell, Toni at 240 would be fantastic. YES, SHE'S THAT GOOD AN ACTRESS AND THAT SEXY!!!!! The rest of you can take those Ally McBeal skanks and keep them - I don't want em.


She sure did.

no i am db


Toni was amazing as always, especially so in this movie!
