What the hell?

I saw a trailer for this when I saw The Matrix Reloaded. Everyone thought is was a joke of some sort. does anyone know anything about this?


It's for real. I saw a test screening about 6 weeks ago. It's a Canadian production, set and filmed in Toronto, and it should be coming out in the fall.


I never saw the trailer. What is it about? The title sounds good. What do you think it will be rated? From what the information the movie's profile here gives, I'd say R. Who know?


This should be good. Looks like a heist/action/thriller type movie which are always fun. And with Ryan Reynolds in the cast you can be sure there's going to be some humor thrown in for good measure. Probably won't be rated R though, I'd guess more like PG-13. Looking forward to it.


The script is really good. I'm not sure how the final thing will turn out, but just from the script, i think it's going to be really good. It's a clever, lighthearted heist movie. It probably will be rated AA or PG-13. There's not much violence.






Did you just say "the title sounds good"? What info can you possibly glean out of the title?


I haven't see it, but seeing as it is directed by the same guy who directed Treed Murray (aka Get Down) it should be pretty good. In Treed Murray, the movie is baed on the dialogue mostly, the director definitely knows how to make a good script.


I haven't see it, but seeing as it is directed by the same guy who directed Treed Murray (aka Get Down) it should be pretty good. In Treed Murray, the movie is baed on the dialogue mostly, the director definitely knows how to make a good script.

