MovieChat Forums > Foolproof (2003) Discussion > This movie is worth a chance

This movie is worth a chance

The movie started out slowly, but picked up near the end. This was definately a very well done movie as canadian movies go. Im sure the budget constraints were numerous and I certainly did not feel cheated as I was with the low budget Blair witch project. Hopefully we will see more movies made purely out of Toronto.


Agreed. This film felt professional, especially compared to all the American productions made in Canada on the cheap. TV shows like Earth: Final Conflict illustrate my point, with boring camera angles, bland editing, and depressingly bad special effects. FoolProof was the exact opposite; it was a well produced movie. It shows what Canadian film makers are capable of, given the chance and reasonable budget.



You bring up a good point. However, I was simply trying to state the production quality was of Hollywood status with good editing, effects, etc. I wasn't trying to imply that American cinema is necessarily supriour, just that most US films get higher production bugdets and therefore have a polished look that a lot of Canadian cinema lacks.

This film not only had a decent budget (in terms of most films made in Canada) but they made the most of said budget. There were no million dollar effects shots, but not once did I feel as though a scene was out of place or poorly captured.




It should come to no surprise that canadian film makers can make good, professional movies. When american film makers come to canada to make films, they hire canadian crew. If a canadian crew can make "I, Robot" look professional, they can make a canadian movie look professional.

Unfortunatly, investors place so much emphasis on making Canada's movies canadian that they often lose track of the story. So people consider canadian movies crap. It is hard to get a canadian film in canadian theaters even when it is good because they don't make money. It's sad.

I saw Foolproof in an empty theater.


This movie is awesome. I thought it all pretty original (it's hard to be 100% original when this genre has been done sooooo many times) and well worth the rental to see it. Support canidian movies. No actually just support good ones. Thx


What was good about this movie? I was watching it and i was amazed constantly whether the movie was a joke altogether, the chemistry between actors/actress didnt work neither did the dialog, come to think of it nothing actually worked. The scene where Booth had a chance to shoot Suchet was really unimaginable, why didnt she pull the trigger and why were the other guys like sheep? And the rating is what i call inflated ;-/


I felt the same way at the time, but as it turns out, she didn't shoot him because it was all an act. There was an alternate play to screw Leo that came out at the end of the movie. Maybe you missed that.


You're a moron. This movie was as good as any other I've seen come out of Hollywood. It's really too bad that Canadians aren't open-minded enough to have a look at something and decide if it's good on its own merits instead of just assuming that anything that is Canada-produced must suck.

And the reason she didn't shoot him, in case you didn't GET it, is because they are NOT criminals, much less murderers. Are you American? It's funny that one of the strongest points of the movie, that the movie was realistic, is one you'd point out as a weakness. People don't go around shooting others just because they're pissed at them, (at least not outside the US).


All in all I felt that this movie wasn't that bad. Although it was pretty obvious what was going to happen at the end, and the dialog was shady at best, the film itself was an alright watch. It was a movie that required little to no attention and did the job of entertaining.


As someone who worked on this, it's nice to hear some positive comments. As we struggled through the production (as with any film production), one of the running gags was "Gee -- don't you wish the audience watching the film in a theatre could see the trials and tribulations we're going through?!". It was a tough shoot.



Thanks for the film, I loved it.


Wow! I just thought this was supposed to be some cheap, straight to video, b-movie. I almost rented it too. I kind of like to watch a cheesy movie sometimes. But I take it is not, since I have seen the ratings and everything. Any other big budget canadian movies I may possibly overlook at the video store that is any good? And what is pg in canada? Just wondering since this is rated r in america.


Finally saw this movie this past weekend!! I wish I would have rented sooner!!
It was GREAT!! It had me till the end....I love the whole thing...I have a thingy for Ryan Reynolds....he needs more movies like this ...funny but yet serious!



As far as big budget canadian movies go, I think the only other big budget canadian picture is Men With Brooms. The problem is that canadian movies don't make money. Foolproof and Men With Brooms were made with the intention of breaking that trend.

The top grossing canadian film ever is Porky's. A little movie that inspired American Pie. I heard My Big Fat Greek wedding is all but canadian, because the budget came from the States.

As far as the rating system goes, I haven't a clue, really. But our ratings go G,PG,14A,18A,R. When it gets R, then you know it's really not for the faint of heart. Most R rated films from the US fall under 14A and above. If it falls under NR in the States, it's probably R in Canada. ie ShowGirls is R here.

I personally can't see how this movie could've fallen under the R rating in the States though, because I don't really remember any cursing, nudity, or much violence. Oh well.

